X refused to remove the video of the basket seen by the South PLER killer

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Australian authorities in Australia and the UK have refused to remove a close-up video of Rubbana killing three young children before killing two young children.

In the year In April in Sydney, A Hop Sko Hop Station was held on Fridays. In April <ኤፕሪል> In the “big” A hop that introduces us to the stand, which is requested by the controller to come down He looked at the platform that came out before the attack from the south last summer.

The Australian attack, including Google, SNAP and Tiktok, ‘continuing with the disaster, the original video of the drink cannot be accessed from their platforms. The regulator said that some of these companies have taken additional measures to further reduce the material. “X COPP chose not to remove the video from the platform.”

Made in Western Sydney, A Hop Scoop Scream is available in Australia

Yvetty Cooper, UK Home Secretary, said in Commission Houses that “companies should not download content from the host that puts children’s lives at risk”.

In April 2024, the Australian police responded to the incident in Sydney © Paul Parven / Australian Associated Press / almy

Rudkabana, 18 years old, was suspended for 52 years in prison for killing three young girls in the dance room of Taylor-Northern in South-House.

Muscles has repeatedly asked British Prime Minister Lord Sir Richard Starr Courtier Courtier Courtier to “prioritize the priorities of British girls”. In addition, “Muslims who are not under the control of the police, attack any Muslim, drink the police, run through the streets. Interventions have led to the escalation of tensions that have led to the destruction of cities and towns in Britain.

On Friday, Mush ran an article about the murder of Southag, saying “Never forget”.

But so far, the company has refused to communicate, refused to agree, refused to force, and the video was distributed on x on Friday afternoon.

Financial Times contacted X to ask why the video was not taken down, but received no response.

In the Rurukabukasa case, Lennovo at Pete heard this week that he stole the history of the browser outside of one search on the day of the attack. Six minutes before he went to carry out his murder, they searched for the “axe for Maria Emanuele”.

When police carried out the same search of X during their investigation, they found it led to posts containing footage of the Sydney attack three months earlier.

The case also includes the teacher’s RDAKACAKAN online profiles and social media resources, including the X account. On Friday, the X account – only protected followers, so only those who could see the followers – were not arrested.

The Australian Department of Control has been able to realize that in April, to try to take legal action to try to take legal action to try to take legal action to try to take legal action to try to enforce the law. and the content of violence.

Muscle criticized the decision on the internet trying to figure it out.

Among the country’s politicians, the Prime Minister, Encinis, said that he was ordered to remove the video and criticize the position of the billionaire because of the “worrying” politicians.

However, an injunction on the video chose to take “reasonable steps” to stop the video being shown in Australia. Although local laws can be applied internationally, the issue has been seen as a test case.

ASUUUR Cordio orse dropped the case to June pending Australian online security laws.

Additional report by Hannah Morzon