Wi-W VS Business Weay-Unaivia Gysgogging in 3rd to0i

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West Indis 5-Wicket winning winner Bangladesh In the third day and at last T 80, the Stat Pet, a series of fashion. After the hosts first won his voice, the selector is restricted in the 204/8 in 20 sections. Jannile Glasgg The star of both owners of both owners of both owners to find the prize of both.

Janniley Glaso with the ball

Bangladesh women had Shaky start with an operator Dilara Akter (21 offer 16) After some time Murdada cloak With 12 balls with 12 balls. However, the wins falls in regular times, stumbled by staring their growth. Jump Nigar Salela An anchor with 43 feet with 43 feet played a role, but inlertility of middle and low order, Bangladesh can only manifest at the end of their comments Bangladesh.

Glashi was the people I chose the ones who chose more than 3/15 spikes. She is well supported Zathle James (1/7), Ashmini teaching (1/9), and Instead of the nose (1/16), while Karishma Rampek While things have wicks, things firmly strictly.

See Run Flod Business A perfect shock in 1st20i | Wi-W vs ban: w

West homes win the first conversations to complete the display

Harry Tarians, West Einstem women experienced some obstacles when they lost wiki in normal differences. Digase (10 AT 16) and Nesaa crystal (5) Glaso again resumed critical effects once, patient 25 of 28 refrigerants.

Experienced Shabka Gajbi The most important hand played with 25 pipes of two borders. James (14 finger 22) West Inspects of West Inspects has been over 185/5 to complete the “comfortable” display chess.

Bangladesh pipes have made organized effort in some of the total more. Katany was very successful, 2/14, based on 2/14 in the four part of the four room, and two covers. Rabanese Kan It was economical with 1/12 with 1/12 images of 1/12.

Glasoo player’s player’s player awarded the player’s player award with 3/15 critical runs with 3/15 crucial runs. The heroes of all of the heroes has helped her west of her western mutilation and emphasize the order of the malignant injury.

See Wi-w vs suspension- w – ayy folover cleanses Fashma dealer with beauty that is beauty in 2nd t20i

This article is first published by SentrickCricket Times Company.