“When I spoke to Abaya, he . . .”

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Former Indian cricketer Maniko Maniyu Thierry has been in the limelight since announcing his retirement from international cricket. Tadawi made a shocking claim that led to a huge attack on India’s head coach Gatur Gatur.

The former Bengali cricketer, who is said to have broken the Indian captain Soravang Giganz, has joined the Bengali cricket club (KBB). When the two of them play a Doraji match in Delhi, Tauriya is threatened by Gamesh.

Manage Thaiway She has always been a fan of Kiki’s Ghiber since they kissed each other in Dej rogey in 2015. Both were a part of KKR’s mine-winning IPL cross-over IPL team but faded away as time went on.

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How was Gatoam Gambhir Soguiovangon?

During an interview with Manij Thaur, an incident was revealed in which Gotmar Gambhir used Ganga for Souravig. According to Taiwari, Gambhir was referred to Gazan to get his sources into the Kabi administration.

“If it’s always justified, Soguvv would support Gango again.

The theory also says that all these things were said to guangoly. However, the former Indian captain was good enough to handle this situation and did not react much. Both Gambar and Taiwiri have not spoken to each other since then.

“When I say to Abaya, it is good” he said (it is good). Interview “” Interview “he said in an interview.

Maniko Tywede’s use of insulting words will bring them out

Manij Thaur reveals how he and Gambhir fell for each other during the hot season in Delhi. In the midst of the disaster, it has reached a point where both are ready to fight each other.

“I have never heard of such abuses by anyone. If anyone abuses your mother, if you are sleeping,” GUOI BHI, why do you say this? ‘. I’m over it. Then cool ho I lost.

Gayath Gambhir is the head coach of India

Ghannam Gambhir, the head coach of India, who did not understand the likes of Geetma Gambhir, did not leave. India is going to Sri Lanka for the first ODI series in 27 years. After that, the men in blue suffered for New Zealand despite initial series fatigue.

It was India’s first test at home in 12 years. Recently, India is another low when they finish the test series in Australia. India lost its first Test series for ten years.