US National Security Advisor to discuss the chogos islands agreement with UK

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The National Security of England, Jonathan Poloson, is used in the Cushu Waltz, discussed the planned agreement in the cubit Microch Waltz.

England wants to approveize England to have the middle-US military in the Diocereal of the Australian Ocean.

Although the agreement was stored in the British government and the most recently selected Mercistic administration, we took the desire to the most important interest in the clinter.

London and Hobiss Louis, through American President, by the United States of the United Kingdom and Marco Roubion, are decisions for chicken Trump and marko robio.

Jonathan Porol, Left, and Mike Walts meet in Washington © FPP

In recent months this week, after the Prime Minister, a staff member card carcard Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Card Carder members of the Prime Minister.

Powelel and Waltz are required to discuss many issues of the Chacos Islands Agreement.

Rubio and England Foreign David’s Foreign David Leave briefly discussed their first phone calls, US Prayers About “the grace of the China” of the grace of China.

Marithy authorities will take place at music safety meeting next week. Marithy’s Administration Defected March 12, the British authorities, the basis of British authorities, has become a capacity to sign an agreement.

The Mercio Prime Minister Ramon Ramine Ramine Ramine Ramin The assistant and the assistant who were held in the UK, presently in the UK, presently in the UK.

Ramnglole is the final point of the previous idea in Britain before the election election.

Navin Ramolalam
The Prime Minister Mod Ramgam: President Trump is not wolf. The agreement is not good or not ‘ U u yahui / xinhaa / loy

The “Louisius” and Dadio Garillas, the first 99-year-old Kong of Kinguria is extended and the first 99-year-old Kingulia’s first country of 99 years of Kong, the first 99-year-old Kingulia’s first countries.

In advanced, Prapy Vehing, Engineer allowed England to extend ten years of lease.

Ramoklolam is free of freeze and freely are installed in front and highly successful in real terms.


President Trump is not wolf. By adding Ramila, “Ramgo has not built a place to” complete agreement “.

According to Ramangy, the UK UK payments under the rent agreement will arise within 99 years of age.

“The man who does not recognize mathematical” appears to be unusual. “(US dollars) will be adjusted (for 99 years). Any or sixth floor student or sixth floor student agree with inflation

The UK text in the icon “mentioned in the account of the” cursor “of the process of the process is called the” cursor “in the” cursor “of the icon”

They wanted Ramglom to criticize Ramglom, and he wanted to criticize the earlier agreement.

In 1968, when freedom has won freedom on the Cabasey Islands, they represented ridicule regulators in the Cokies Politicals.

Financial Times of Financial Times, England, for the first 90 year of rent wnth in rent for a year to £ 90 million.

By examining the details, the UK government removes financial expansion regularly.