UBS Revenue Q4 2024
Switzerland larger lender UBS Tuesday Tuesday is $ 3 billion in revenues in the fourth quarter investment estimates in the fourth quarter investment estimates.
Compared to $ 886.4 million as compared to $ 886 million in the $ 480 million dollars of $ 780 million in the $ 480 million dollars of $ 480 million in rent .
Group income by analyzing $ 11.64 billion billion of $ 11.64 billion estimates the estimate of the $ 11.64 billion of dollars.
In addition to the first half of the second half of this year, more than $ 2 billion targets and urgent in the current capital system in Switzerland Changes. “
The team provides more for 2024 financial year, 2024, 2014, in 2924 financial year in 2924, the financial year of $ 0.90-stock.
Another fourth-quarter dobachas are included
- Realistive Equity 3.9% reflected as compared to 7.3% of the third quarter.
- In Cet 1 capital ratio, bank explosion, 163% of the third quarter is changed.
Investment Banking in the fourth quarter in the fourth quarter. The fourth quotation of the world’s Global Global Management ” And high transaction-based income. “
ለመወዳደር በምንፈልግባቸው አካባቢዎች ውስጥ ለመወዳደር ወይም ለመወዳደር በክልል ውስጥ ለመዛመድ ወይም ለመገጣጠም ሁልጊዜ ምን ያህል አስፈላጊ ነው, “UBS CUBS CUSGO Morgoy Ermotttttti ለ CNBC ካሮቪን ለ CNBC ለ CNBC የ CNBC የ CNBC የ CNBC የ CNBC የ CNBC የ CNBC ካንትሮክ ማክሰኞ ማክሰኞ ነው. ስለሆነም የእኩልታዎች ተፅእኖዎች, የካፒታል ገበያዎች, ካፒታል ገበያዎች, እና በ M & A እና በ M & A እና እንዲሁም በ M & A እና እንዲሁም ገቢዎቻችንን በማደግ ላይ ነን, እኛ ግን የገቢያ ድርሻዎችን እንደ ተግባር ብቻ ሳይሆን እኛ ደግሞ የገቢያ ድርሻዎችን እያገኘን ነው.
The main resources of the Bank’s main resources are returned to the properties of the resource administration, thus raised some points from the words of disaster-related properties. “
Size Size
After 2023, the storms of the most credited government governments, they have increased more than 700 million in the fourth quarter. The team earned $ 23 billion last year at the end of the last year last year.InevitableAs part of the process – the team to trust voluntary leaders.
Ubcs plans to achieve $ 2.5 billion this year on Tuesday.
One Swiss belt circuit, the lenders of the lenders and the profits of the eggs throughout the other European bankruptities, increases. Monday, Swiss Bank Julius Badge He appeared More 110 million Swiss Francis Francis Francis More target ($ 120 million) in total savings HSBC Last week in Europe and the UK, British capital market markets are being prepared when home market markets are prepared
A scale of more than 1.7 trillion In 2023 – approximately two Switzerland Expected Economic Results Last year – Ubs to encourage the household peers, and the Swiss Government stumbles incentive, and the mountain government is in a mix of Swiss government in badness. As a result, the UBS will be completed now if you have additional capital requirements.
The Swiss economy already fell in the corner of the annual annual inflation Only 0.6% in December And the following strongest Swiss Francis, the global franchise, Monday Francis, the first international fans of international fans pushed to safely-sponsors.
In fact, continuous tariff breed conversations are combined in the markets, and the market warn to no one.
Of course, central banks may be trained to economic consequences of targeted wars, targeted wars, perhaps, and leads to high spots in the nail.