Trump Made Lights 100% Tarf Subships on Bubbles countries

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Invitation for the supply of US $S, US $Sa $ 4% Tarf Ships on Bricks.

The President countries are to give the Bubs of Bubs, or to give BLOS HERGMONONONONONONE.

While the countries of bricks were trying to avoid the dollars, “Trump has been completed in social post.

If Trump Could Receive Bibis countries, ‘100% targets’

President Donald Trump in Washington, DC (Chip Somodoovilla / Tti Images)

Although the Blogian, China and South African nations refers to the pimonym.

These aspects of such countries have no other currency or other currency of the new BBs, or 100% of the currency to replace it, and you should be safe to a wonderful American economy.

“You can get another naughty nation. Breads can be found in a worldwide trade or where it can be a visatorian in any country and wherever it can lead to the United States.” Lie down.

Atin, Xi or TRUP entered the soup of the “Dee” consciences

Chinese President X Gyning and Russian President Vladirin Stinin

Chinese President XI JINIP, Left, Russian President Villar In Awake 10, 22, 2024, 2024, at the 16th BQish meeting, they tear their hands when they participate in the 16th Bikin meeting. (Cristina Kormiteny / POCost Agency / One of Kitty Images)

Trump took last week, the same threat to social media in November in November.

የዩሮ ፓሲፊክ የንብረት ማተሚያ ቤቶች ዋና ኢኮኖሚስት እና ዓለም አቀፍ የስትራቴጂዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲዲ ሚኒስትሩ እና የፒተር ሽፋኑ ያሳያሉ “ጴጥሮስ SHOLIFE ያሳየው” ባለፈው ዓመት.

There is your relationships. It is not that we are not able to produce ourselves by accepting a wool currency on our own consumer fishermen of our suitcase. All those who are behind is ours. Fueling, “SchiffFress to TRUM NOVAGE PLAY FREE BCSS countries.

Iran Iran, India, China to Bat, China to Bat, China to Battle

Russian President Vladir Vinin, Chinese President XI ACTION, AND Indian Prime Minister Nirganda Nirganda in 2024

In Kanian Russia, Russian President Vladin PROWN, President Vladin PROWN, President Vladin Prown’s leadership meeting will be observed in the limited of the BFRA’s leaders. October 23, 2024. (Alecho Danishing / Photography / One of Kitty Images)

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Egypt, Iran Iran, Unity Arabic Emires and Indonesia are ancient members of ancient times.

Brazil is a member of Brazil that holds in this year, but the Tibitalte Telephal will soon be evaluated and reviewed before making decisions. .