Trump is connected to see the fall of a wilderness with the California in the residents of California.

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President Donald Trumc Disagns of fire in Los Angeles, and the emergency emergencies proclaimed national emergencies.

Trump was the fire of more than 10,000 buildings in Los Angeles in Los Angeles in the Los Angeles area.

Before the Trump drops, images showed images in the ashes of astronomer ashes.

The president and early mistress Melania Trickey, in the case of local law enforcement and members of the community, they closely encountered the injury.

“Female is not good” Tronology announcement announced the agency’s upgrade when visiting North Carolina.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Maden Melania Tramps on Los Angeles Paste Palestasades, in the neighborhood of fire in the neighborhood. (Whom)

Trump told journalists, “as” no trusted. “

Trump’s Mayor Bas and other government officials sit on a district table with other government officials. President entered the room individuals “USA, USA, USA!” The bass greeting the President and welcomed.

During the meeting during the meeting, householders told him that householders would like to rebuild their home in the area.

Once the President Bas, President Bas was able to respond to the fall of the emergency.

“You have an emergency power … Do you need to use them for Bas?

Trump says that an executive order would sign up to open the area of ​​water vulvics.

US-Political-Trump-California: Fire

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trinia Trump in Los Angeles Paste, Palestasades, visited the damaged area in the neighborhood. (Whom)

Trump says hurt about the fire of wilderness, “I don’t think how serious it is how serious it is.” 100% of the federal government stopped behind you. “

Trump says that it leaves federal permits to rebuild the restaurant. “I will be President to help you adjust.” “We leave all federal permits … Because the federal permit may take 10 years of the federal permission … We don’t want to take 10 days.”

Los Angeles Agency has exposed the economic impact on the deadly wild animals.

After the fire is raised, Trump Gavin’s policies have held New Upos and Democratic Policy.

NewSam and Trump

The Rule Gavin New Upos and President Donald Trump Friday on Los Angeles international Airport in Los Angeles. (Puz)

New Neasam is waiting on Trump asphalt asphalt asphalt and when they meet with the President.

After 3pm in LAX, 9:00 after the night after the night of Lots, “Thank you first. It’s a great thing for all of us. “We need your support, we need your help.”

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“We were a very positive speech,” says Trump when they spoke with their relationship with Neous.

After the first time of President, Trump presented the North Carolina before their first visit to the empire.