Trump explains the Middle East East East Gaza proposal
Gaza in the Middle East, the UK of the UN Titaka, is 10 to 15 years in accordance with the Middle East, growth talks between Israel and Haamam.
“He seemed to see peace in religion in religion.”
“Peace is a better life better for a lodge life. A better life is not forced Physical space You are today. Better life is a better chance, better financial conditions, for you and your family. This does not happen in 30,000 warnings that can be trapped in a jazh heap and that can be transmitted at any time. Today is a dangerous place to live.
The UN Church Council Points to Human Rights Council
President Donald Trinity, Gazaur’s Prime Minister, “Gazaur’s Prime Minister” When Prime Minister Benjamin Beginning in Gazeur, Benjamin Beginning with the Universal Benjamin.
I have seen a long-term ownership area, and I have seen great stability of the middle east room The whole middle east“As a Trump said, it works in a simple way on adding it.
One person to talk, reflecting, reflecting, reflecting that land, by creating and developing thousands of jobs and fear thousands of jobs, no one knows and fear thousands of jobs, no one knows the most wonderful environment. See, and Destruction and debris And all the buildings have fallen. It is a very horrible, horrible view. “
Although both countries accept such calls, the President suggested that the President suggested that the President to the cooperative and the Jordan.
The government of the Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Description released Shortly after establishing the Palestinian state, there is something before the four countries of the four countries reached Israel.
Third Round Haman Gaza, Hamam Gaza, Haman Gaza Casza
Whisf wants to give “more hopes” for the best future, and one can be removed from the war of war.
The last 50 years of things are not the exact way of doing things and that all these frames were not made, because they did not have all the framework, because they did not employ all of these fragrances, “
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Netanayau explained reporters for reporters.
“President Trump is taking a top high level,” President Trac. “So many terrorism sees a different hope for that land, many – Many attacks on the USMany trials and many trials. He has a different idea, and I think it will be given to this focus. ”