To release a part of the third round of gasan Casin

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He began the third rounds of Israel in the scenario of Israel with Israel.

A woman named Hamam, 20 migrants of the Israelite soldier, 20

The horrors soldiers associated with saving her life with previous

The partner of 19 (Respect: He brought them home today)

In the morning, the Habanian leader of Harison was planted in the southern Kan city in the southern Kan city. Hundreds of people, including both masked and the apostles, have been found.

Yard active: Thank you President Tramps, to save my sister from the houses

Thursday has agreed the three Israelite and five Thai Thai Thai captives. In the conference, 110 Philistines are expected to release prisoners.

Israel and Hezula Conflict

Israel controls activity in the gaze. (Idf)

Gorus 7, the majority of and the majority of the distressing and humiliation in Hami, the majority of and Israel, who was the majority of and Israel, killed 7, 2023. It has already been dispute in the order of the hosts.

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This is the story of a bottle. Look back to the updates.

The associated press contributed to this report.