There is no reduction of public expenses on boat: FM Sithaaman
The Union Financial Minister Narmala Satha Marman says public expenses on capital expenses. We store our emphasis that we have shown that the capital expenses of capital costs show us. After all this budget period, after the budget, 2024-25.
Sithaaman’s comments are not a lack of significant increase in the infrastructure cost. Budget Ministry of Fy26 Railways for FY26 Railways for FY26 Railways. Similarly, the budget and highways of road and highways is only at least 2% increase from Rs.
This mate is firmly scattered with protecting the growth growth of growth. Analysts are protected from 10-15% of these sectors and are protected until 2047 vision. Any additional issues that describe train and street infrastructure in the Sithaaman budget.
Although the Fattle has emphasized strategic change of strategic change of strategic change – it will speed up the personal cooperation of the directory (PPPS) and a property pool.
Director of Director of Centertom also had a new cooling plan for new projects to open the refrigerator to new projects. “This initiative is expected to improve the most important equity investments.
Over the years, national highway network is 60% and successfully completed models. The government is now aimed to attract more personal personal capital, and sector can provide large projects.
In addition, 25% of the budget of the budget is introduced to urban development of urban development designed to support urban development costs. Muhammad’s immersion, partners, and capital projects and infrastructure of the infrastructure. This fund produces significant incoming increases as engineers. “
The Ministerial Minister of the Minister – strong project development fund (IPDF) to keep clear of the infrastructure development development.