There is no alternative for Alexander Luxonto.

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Steve Rosberg

Russian editor reporting from Minsk

Reuters Alexander Lukashenko (profile picture)Reuters

Alexander Luckashno has been the president of Beresu since 1994

There are times in history when countries are asked by election fever.

In the year January 2025 is not one of Belarus.

Although they advertise the pictures of the candidates, MESK rotates and no big math boards are displayed.

There is a small campaign.

The gray skies and light breezes of the Belarusian winter add to the feeling of the breeze.

and intolerance.

The outcome of the 2025 election is not in doubt. “The Last Dictator of Europe” Once the winner of “The Last Dictator of Europe” and waiting in the office of Alexander Luke

His supporters call it an exercise in “Belarusian democracy”. The opponents Dismiss the process as “far”.

Mr. Lucas says he is not interested in the process himself.

I did not participate in the election campaign. I had no time.

The workers presented with gifts; An ax for cutting wood.

“I will try before the election, the secret applause that was promised.

Election announcement in Minsk in green, red and blue. There is no specific candidate to compete, instead the citizens will be elected on January 26.

Billboards promoting presidential candidates in Belarus remind citizens to vote by January 26

Four and a half hours before the officials, in a different organization, the leader of Belarus received a cold welcome.

A week after the 2020 presidential election, Alexander Lucaheheno visited the Minksk Minks tractor plant. Show him a favorite video coming up and yelling at the staff. They said, ‘Go! go over! They shouted.

In the year The official election result of 2020 – for Mr Lucashenko – was anger and massive protests around the country. Belanders who accuse them of stealing their votes and elections have poured into the streets.

Thousands of anti-government protesters and critics have been arrested in the violence that follows brutal police brutality. Finally, a wave of health destroyed the protests and from Russia, Mr. Lucasto stuck to power.

The United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States refused to recognize him as the president of Belarus.

Alexander Lucahehon’s Stuntheess (and possible rivals) are in prison or exiled.

That is why this week the European Parliament is to accept the election of the next president and to conduct a drug thin “sham” and the election campaign is underway. Minimum standards for democratic elections.

I remember Interviewing Alexander Lukashenko last OctoberIt was announced on the day of the presidential election.

If the opposition leaders are in jail or abroad, how can these elections be free and democratic? I asked.

“Do you know who the leaders of the opposition are?” Mr. Luxhan hit back.

An opposition is a group of people who have to serve the needs of a small number of people in the country. What are these leaders talking about?

Alexander Luxhanto is not the only candidate. There are four others. But rather than the challenges they cause, they are more like riders.

Serhiy Sorankev sticks together with a red tie and a pin of the Communist Party.

Communist leader Sergei Orahancov is still on the ballot and is still supporting Luxor.

I am driving four hours to meet one of them. Sergey Sorankov is the leader of the Communist Party of Belarus. I sat in one of the events of the campaign in the city of Vitebsk. In a large hall, Mr. Sorankvov was attacked by the party, destroyed with a hammer and sickle.

The slogan of the campaign is unusual, saying the little “Rather, but not with Lucastanto”.

He is a presidential candidate who will fix his opponent.

“There is no alternative to Alexander Luxtonko as the leader of our country,” said Mr. Sorakov.

“Why do you think there is no alternative?” I ask.

Because Lukastono is a man of the people, he is a man of the earth who has done the same kind of violence that happened in Ukraine. “

“You fight for yourself, but you support another candidate. That’s … unusual.”

I am sure that Alexander Likstanko will win

“The main communist in our country is the head of the government. Luxhan still has a membership card from the days of the Soviet Communist Party.”

Oleg Gadekich, leader of the right-wing HVR, Democratic Party, sits in front of the Belarusian flag.

Oleg Gadekich, the leader of the right-wing HVI, says that the leader of the Democratic Party will “obviously” win.

Also on the ballot is the leader of the Belarusian Democratic Party, Oleg Gaivych. He is also not running to win.

“If he dares to suggest the results of the election, he is a liar,” Miri Udikevich tells me.

It is clear that Lucas can be defeated. It is a big step…. We will fight to strengthen our position and prepare for the next election. “

Mr. Luxhan confirms that his popularity is “enormous” by critics, but he has no doubt that he has support.

An old Belanderian lady in a red coat and red hat.

Zenavi, a resident of Oktyabrskaya, believes that Luxha represents stability while others live with “greater power”.

On the outskirts of Vittsk is a small town called Ottibakka. Talking to the people there, I get the concern that the leader’s intolerance for change can be created.

“I want a stable salary, stability in the country,” Welger Sergi says. “Other candidates have made promises, but they can wait. I want to keep what I got.”

“The situation today is very tense,” he said. “Perhaps there are other people who are worthy of the power. But at once a young leader will find his feet under the table, and those will mark him with other countries, and with other countries.

“God, we must be removed as Ukraine.”

Today in Belarus they are afraid of instability, fear of the unknown and fear of the government. All work in Slater lecashshon’s favor.