The BBC says that most civilians have died in the village of Lebanon village.

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Nalo Al-Mai

BBC World Services High Diagnostic Reporter

BBC Ashraph and Julia both smiled and grinds the greener. As a shiny hair and the black shirt, Julia, wearing a black shirt, and the parent has a brightly brown hair.BBC

The Ashraph (L) convinced his sister Jillia to join his family apartment, he believed that he was protected from ADF attacks.

Julia is so frightened – the battle between Israel and the Hitula, and her family home was beaten by a fantasy that her family’s home was beaten by bomb. When her brother sent a voice with her husband, her husband, her brother was encouraged to join the village in the southern Lebanon.

“It’s okay here.” “Come with us until things are calm”

At the beginning of that month, Israel strengthened the air campaign in Lebanon, supported by the Architectuated group to respond to the rocket group and laid thousands of houses from the north Israel.

Judah was confident that the Ashraph would be their family home housing. But the next day, in September 29, it was the most dangerous attack of Israel in this conflict. In Israelipedia for Israel, 73 people destroyed and 73 people died.

The Israeli Protection The building said that the building was the “terrorist center, and the House of Your Hyzola,” he destroyed “. He adds the worst of those who are killed in the addict, “said:” They have been proved to be terrorists, “added them.

However, the BBC eye of the BBC eye confirmed the 68th of the 73 people who have been killed in the attack, and he disclosed evidence that they had the sixth from your military wing. None of us have the highest title. The BBC World Servis in the part, the remaining 62 are civilians, confirmed that there are 23 children.

Among the deceased include children only a few months, such as Nah Coabyc. In Apartment -1C School Master, Aber Haleble were killed with her husband and three sons. In three-story Amale, Amale Hacawati was three generations of her family, her husband, children, and two her grandchildren.

The photograph of Lebanon attacks are identified in BBC, including three banks, women, men, men, and children. We identify more six children (five women, one man); There are footnotes that we cannot find photographs.

Ashraph and Julia always close, join each other. “He was like a black box,” says “

Later after -oda, the brothers returned home, with food from the war from the war. Hundreds of thousands of people in Lebanon were displaced.

Ashraphs was in the sharlow, and Julia kept in living room with their father, and Julia has been able to install the video into social media sitting in the living room. Their mother was watching Jaen’s kitchen.

Then they heard the cry of the ear without warning. The building was shaken, and large dust and smoke into their apartment.

Ashraph “Julia! Julia!” I shouted.

She answered him, ‘I’m here.’

“I looked at my father, who was going to raise his father from the other side of his head, and I saw my mother running to the door.”

Julia’s nightmare was playing in a real life.

“Julia had a great venture, and I was crying too much on the couch. I was trying to calm her and told her to leave her.” Then I told her to calm her. Then I was trying to calm her.

The Advanced Video The Advanced Video The Advanced Video The Advanced Video The Advanced Video The Advanced Video The Advanced Video Revised Employees Break Up in the air to the building. After seconds, the suspension falls.

See Massaf and the moment of the moment of the fall

Ashraphs are infected under the fishery with many people. He began to call, but the only sound he or she feels of his father, still Julien, and he was alive in life. None of the mother of Ashraine could not hear.

Ashraph sent a voice note to warn their local friends. The next few hours were very distressing. The hunters liked the debt – and the peoples were crying when they saw that their loved ones died. “I was just thinking, please God, not judge, is not Julia. Without Julia, I can’t live this life without Julia.”

Ashparaphy finally died of the rubbish debris, he suffered moderate damage.

His mother knew that she was saved, but her life was in the hospital. Julia will be putting up under the leisure. After his father, Juli told her brother that he was calling for her brother.

A map of the Taugee Department of Apartment - It has raised the location of the eye and the eye on the ELNA and show the area south of the House.

The guns of guns was made to stop the conflict between Israel and Hizola in November. The agreement will leave Israel’s power to leave south Leben and his 60-day time limit for the milkani River from the Latinan River. When this approached the deadline of January 26, we wanted to know more about Israeli attack in the years of Lebanon.

In the apartment of Julia and Ashraph, Hawra and Ali Perez host the war-by-war family members. Among them was a Hutra Sister Bethuel, just like Julia, the last day with her wife and her little children. In the area of ​​Lebanon and Israel, the high bomb battle was fled by the strongly bomb.

“We doubted where we should go.” Then I said to my husband, “Let us go to Ain El Daw.” My sister said that their building is safe and you do not hear any bombing near them. ‘”

Battle’s wife, Moham Farz was killed by Anni Delb. Battle and her children fell down to her children. No one has received her help call. She finally lift her alone, but her four-year-old daughter, Howra, highly compressed her four-year-old son Howra. Sending her son was miraculously cast.

Photo and her uncle's children have taken a picture when they play Hassan and Hussein. Haura has a stick-up handle and the square neck line. The children of her stuff are both wearing the yellow cartoon dinosaur tuberculosis.Tariff family

Four-year-old Haura with her stings – all three were killed in attack.

Three forms below the Battle was living in Denis and Moholi al-Bab. On that Sunday, Denise invited her brother for lunch.

The ram’s impact was vicious, says the HAKS.

“The second Massael threw me to the floor … All the wall fell in me.”

It has spent seven times under the debt.

“I heard from a distance.” I am still alive when people talk, “

And after the Him was finally saved, his sister’s fiancée was alive. He told him that she was safe and well. After three days, they found her body.

Hiding He lost four members of his family – the sister, his father, and their two children. He told us his faith and told us that he did not believe in God.

To learn more who has died, the Minister of Lebanon Healthy Health on Lebanon’s health examines information, videos, social media articles and survivors of the attack.

In particular, the IDF response, we want to ask to ask the apartment that the apartment was a hzola plan. Although we were repeatedly, IDF, but no explanation.

So we were killed in the attack, we started to check social media, tombs, public health records and funny videos to find out that they had no military relationship with your vocal.

We could not find evidence that the sixth of the six is ​​connected to the military wing of the sixth of the mortla.

For the six people, your Hyjadola’s Hyzball photos use the “Majoad” account, which means “warrior.” Senior Distributions are called “Civide,” and the meaning of the group did not find the accounts used to describe the group.

The sixteen of Hyzbolar’s warriors have asked for IDF if the warriors are not the ultimate target. He did not respond to this question.

Tomadan family in apartment 3A and the Albhaba family in apartment 4A, the Poman and Albuba family that showing an eye-Delb apartment

One of the hizballs we know is the Battle’s wife, Bathan’s owner. She said that the men in Bethle was just as the group’s wages, even though she is unpaid, and that she did not participate in the wages of your horn.

Israel visited your Hitball, and the group was sent by terrorism in Israel, many Western kingdoms and the Pastor.

However, the influence of Lebanon Parliament with the high and well-known military wing is a political party. In many parts of the country, the social connection is stuck in social connections by providing the social connection.

Responding to Our Production IFFA: “The prospective warment against military prominences and the expected injury of the international proclamations and the expected damage to civilians are fulfilled after the refers. In relation to the military benefit from the ram.

The end of the ELI told the Abycis, but the people we spoke to them has not been warned.

United States experts have taken concern. Classification and importance of Israel’s air attack on accommodations In the area where there is a great crowd in Lebanon.

This approaches on the entire structure – The recent conflict of Israel began with the Nazakh, Israel’s recent conflict.

In October 2023 to November 2024, more than 3,960 people were killed in Israel’s soldiers, most of the civilians in the Israelite soldiers. At the same time, Israel’s authorities have been able to die at the syshbon of Hazboto, the Israelite officials. In the southern Lebanonian war or north of the north Israel, at least 80 of Israel were killed.

Eldly, Ancient Assault is the worst attack that Israel had on at least 18 years in building at least 18 years.

SCCC The yellow glow is chosen through a buddius.Schcare Burter / BBC

Families continue to visit the destruction of the debris.

The village is suffering from his influence. When we visited me, he continued to visit the 11-year-old son of his 11-year-old son, hoping for a father to visit his 11-year-old son’s 11-year-old son.

Ashraph Rethada will return to check the debris looking for the memories of his family in the two decades of their family.

You still decorate a picture of the football players and pap stars that once admire. Then Teddy’s wilt dragged from the dirt and told me that he was always on the bed.

“The people I have come here is not replaced.”