The Amams of the next Israel’s hosts

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He is expected to leave the cosino with the discount of the four bonds of Israel in Israel’s reckoning names for the four bond of Israel in Israel.

They are thought to be all the soldiers and civilians.

They will be released for 180 paletecs in Israel in 180.

The second document will be implementing from the Last Sunday. In the first three hosts and 90 prisoners were released.

The kins began to destroy the war that began attacking Israel in 7 October 2023. About 1,200 men were killed and 251 was taken to Gaza.

More than 47,200 Philistines, most civilians were killed in Israel, and the Gazacots – Gazaa Hearts – Gada’s Councils – Growth Health Protection.

The buildings are expected to provide information about the rest of the 26 weeks of the next five weeks.

This includes the family of their fathers – two parents and two children, from KFIR, 10 months a little younger Tanar. This information is not clear if it involves the names or living or dead hosts.

Release prisoners are more heavy category than the first exchange. They include the core, and some serve more than 15 years of sentences.

Israel urged that no one involved in the 7 use of October attacks.

Unlike the CEeteeaissease agreement, the non-direct warranty business is after taking a negotiation, in the Kare and Egypt.

Second in three steps in three weeks in the record of six weeks. About 1,900 Philosons of Philosopher prisoners will be released during the first step in the first stage of the prisoners. Israel’s powers begin to return from boasts in Gaza and you can return to areas where they have been sold or forced in a county panel.

Anger fire is to bring a lasting end of the war in the Gaza.

Ninety-One link was taken in 7 October 2023 and still held in Gaza. Fifty – seven people say that seven people live. The three others – two of these – the living – for ten years or more.