Russia won the three generations of the family in a strike
Senior International
Teddy’s bears – big and small – think they are dreamed on Adam’s Biwinv.
But only a 17-month-old person is not just a person. የ 27 ዓመቷ እናቱ ሶፊቫቫ 27, በዩክሬን ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ደቡባዊ ከተማ ውስጥ በጩኸት እና በዊክዌይ ወፍ ውስጥ በመቃብር ውስጥ ተቀብሮ በዩክሬን ደቡባዊ ከተማ ውስጥ በመቃብር ተቀበረች.
Adam’s great grandfather, Teatia, Teraititi, 68 years old is in the grave.
All three of the November 7, Ukraine, from 2022, and in control of the global agenda.
Some of the last moments of Adam’s last moments are held on the video Tattia on the phone. Both of Adam and Adam, and they went with the Mass Sophia. Blu-shining, blue ly, the blue, Adam and runs a shaking red opt and a wool hat. Attasa says, “You are mourning,” she says. He will do it.
A hour later, Trio, their fiery fiery fires are revealed in their bombing, and finding a skating. Adam, Sepina, and Enginey were killed with six civilians.
Sophia’s mother, Journalia Tarass.vivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.
She is a little bit and it shines with a heavy black coat and grief.
“I don’t know how to live.” “Gelow on earth. I lost my mother, lost my son and my grandchilder.” Now the closest tombs you can reach them.
“Dear Mum,” One step brings to Sophilia and Adam’s tomb. To touch the photo, she succeeded, “little charger.”
Then she talks directly to Sophia – Black and white image to a young woman she had long black hair. “My beautiful son” I’m sorry that she cried, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t save you.”
The 60-year-old father, 60-year-old Subscribe, it’s a strong image that sets her loss and sorrow. “We visit the Grave” “We will visit the Grave” Says: “We will go as far as we live.
There are many tombs that extend in the distance when they come. The tomb states “wonderfully”. Fetroads of the sky and yellow flags by marking tombs.
Zaccillafusia, where the family lives, is normal extension for Russian forces for Russia. It is a stratelegical city of industry near the front war. The largest nuclear power plant – 55 km (34 km) – was held by Russians.
Sophphylia, Athenena, and Adam, is a daughter from our work journey from Western Ukraine.
I told her to be careful. The bomb has fallen on the city. “Thank you, ‘she says,’ Don’t worry. It will be good with us. ‘ “
Serio was at work when he heard something happen. He called his son and called his son and had no answer.
Then when “friends, who are friends, are still under the root of the sun?” He saw a message.
“Every way, all the ways, I prayed home,” my prayer was in vain. “
“When I arrived. I saw it
We saw that the day of the Chinese Shiloli was played in the bath of some assets. These are now a family precious resources with many precious memories.
“When I come home every evening at night, we will take Adam to walk in a walk,” says Surio. “He was so bad about heaven. He fell the small roots, and he loves birds about it.”
Family Video Adam shows that he waves side from side to the side of the sides and runs around the legs around the feet. Joilli “I started talking,” It was healthy, beautiful and integrity. He and daughter were happy every day. “
After the United States of the United States of Russia, Julie stopped Sophinia in the sophilean.
The young people of Ukrainian soldiers and british soldiers, however, lays her language skills as a translator of the British soldiers, but she could not hunt out of Ukraine.
“She missed her parents and relatives and her home,” Jamal says. Sophia returned to Adam in June 2023. She said she knew a lot in Ukraine, “she says.
In my sorrow, Ukraine seems to be pressure to negotiate with the enemy soon.
President Trump returned to the White House – All guns were born to peace between Moscow and KUV. But Ukraine became Ualilia and a slabay. In one day, you will tell a claim that Donald Trump will stop the battle.
“Russia” says, “I will not eat our homes and family.”
Cockareay said that the only relationship with Russians in the Ukraine region said he had a battle.
Many Ukraine and even though Russia is adequately forward or late, many Ukrains returned quickly or then. Moscow now controlled one fifth of the Ukraine.
The time is not on the Ukraine side. The In 2025, in 2025, there is a danger in many fronts – in the future shortages of labor can give in the future of military assistance and international attention.
Joilli adoises life in other countries.
“People cannot live in constant anxiety,” she says.
However, I want not only soldiers but also the nearby warfare. “
The world wants you to know the names – Adam Gehagov, Sophician Buhaio and Tetina Tanvivine.
Additional Reports in Antology, Gloin Constantin and Wiietske BYMA