Rachel has to ‘fight for the development of economic growth to warn UK

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Chancellor Rachel Revis promised to start a word to guide the Kadi Economy to get started in Wednesday Rachel.

Repres are ready to have a “struggle” standing with local improvement.

The Chancellor is on pressure from the office of taxes and investors from agricultural agricultural products, and in advanced revenue budget and investors.

Government governments for “Oxford – Kambridge Development Development Planning and Development Educational Resources Building End.

The Chancellor emphasizes improvement in the new “industrial strategy” and provides support for the expansion of the airport Blooden.

She also confirmed plans to simplifying laws to be able to release some £ 160bn sppls in the proposed protection plans.

“We have received very long times, recipients” we have been accepted. “Lowst development is our fate. But growth does not come without conflict.”

The Oxford-Cambridge RC includes new transportation links and housing between two main university cities in Britain. For three years ago, it was corrupted and then the Minister of Government.

Revives emphasize 4,500-home-home-based home development plans and encourage plans to commemorate the creation.

The Chancellor Suffering Pat-growth in the first months of receiving economic benefits in recent months, the PAT-growth structure of its growth.

The obscure of a strong wire development of all decisions in all decisions when connected to Ribati and high executives in the city of London.

The associated members have confirmed that new policies should set new policies new policies and configured to the Wanta “round” change.

In March, the government will remove the planning plan and infrastructure accounts to make popular utilizations by using and delay multiple assessments.

The new law, with the new third of the first preview of pastures in heatrozar, set up between some green groups in Heterozore.

Sharian Opennes of Green Conscience Executive Director ‘Speech Speech’ Communication between Government and Local Activity.

It is not possible to move to the distant economic and social renovations of the government in the heart of pure energy and development missions, the government seems to be interested in the political combination of the political combination of political combination. High carbon, but finally, low return projects, “said low return projects.”

Transportation of Transport The Alexandander is expected to uphold the spreads in both bugs and gatewick in the cyclist.

Heteros before the end of the year – before the end of the year – to continue with the third run.

Expanding Hector’s Prime Minister Prime Minister Prime Minister’s Prime Minister’s Prime Minister’s Prime Minister of eight in eight Cabinet.

Climate Change Sudor Milibangat is a plan of a long-term opposition, but indicated that it does not fit from KBIship with the KBine.

However, many Batenbch labor charges with Western London Longon Longon Longon Longen Regions Tuesdle Tuesday.

ANDY Mill, MP says that “there is no chance in this parliament” in this parliament.

Government currently “airport Policy Description” The The The The The The The The The The The The

Based on the best advanced growth of the Wednesday, the early labor candidate of the Northern Northern Vacany warns that it is not enough to be happy as a new intelligence.

“The cost of living is the main focus of the voters..