POL WITH PLele ‘Giant’ Gentle ‘$ 1.4 billion dollars is India, Legal Value Shows

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By Adha Killi, Arfa Chandroway and Admii Shash

New Delhi: The laws of car gaps for the automobile gaps for the mainstreaming “impossible” is the opposite of car gaps to car parts and the company’s business plans, court papers.

The Voliraffen unit, the SCODOWA Automated investment investment in the investment of $ 1.5 billion in investment, but in the area of ​​over 105, it was reviewed by the rockets.

India to speed up for many individual parts of some VW, Skoda and Audi cars to pay low work Entering tax needs in the first $ 1.4 billion tax notice.

Indian authorities are charged with the 30-35% of the private officials of the Indian authorities apply to CKDS or complete dolls. Ships are only 5-15% taxes only.

Voliragen India called India’s government’s India’s Government of India’s Government of the Indian Government of the Indian Government of the Indian Government of the India and the 2011 explanation of the 2011 explanation.

The Tax Advertising “Government-based lifestyle” is confirmed by a complete basis of the complete basis. . 29 The terrorist states of court.

The Customs Organization of Indian Finance and Customs Community Order: Customs order not answered the questions outside of normal business hours.

The Voliragen Indian unit is using all legal drugs with alternatives and environmental laws in the part of the India.

He did not respond to a question to comment on a VolksWowSGEN spokeshow in Germany.

The German Cardy year reflects competitors in the luxury room in the luxury room, the third largest, the Audi section, and is the largest car player.

The government source may pay for more than $ 2.8 billion if he lost the argument in connection with previous penalties. The In 2023-24 Vey India has been $ 2.19 billion, and $ 11 million net profits.

The tax crumble Voli iership will come when it is impaired to compete with Chinese movement and costs costs in Europe. In December of December, he announced in Germany Germany in Germany. In the largest market in China, the card said some of his work.