Nvolia 17% of the largest accumulations in the stock market

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January 27, Nvidia (Nasadoi: nva) More than $ 590 billion dollars arriving at more than $ 50 billion billion. A day market-cap to the company in the history of the United States Stock Market History.

even if The collection of development Returned with half loss in the losses after those of the loss, they also learn from this historical market arrangement and there are still lessons.

Let’s see, expose, expose, and how you can spend your portfolio to respond to this danger.

Image Source: Cloth Images.

While there are high grazing in Newivia, Brows (Nasodai: AVGO),. Taiwan SemicorAnd other chip stocks, off is a fair neutrality off Monday Sales.

The following table 12 shows the biggest S & P 500 (SnPindex: ^ GSPC) Bodies in market cap. Taiwan Semicorance makes it in the market-cap view, but it is not in the cycle of S & P 500 index.

AAAPL Recent Price (daily) chart
Data by YATS.

As you can see, technology companies love Apple And Meta As other industrial leaders, as other industrial leaders, they have a strong profit Walman And Brehiresire Highway. in fact, DOW Jones Industry Average (DJINDYS: ^ DJ) Obtained 0.7% of the day. And still, Invyco QQQ relying (Nasodaik: QQQ)The NASAAQ 100 Exchange Business (ETF) 2.9% falls. The Vanport S & P 500 EC (NSSEMKT: Flight) At the same time, it monitts S & P 500, and it was 1.4% rejected.

Subspective value (daily) chart
Data by YATS.

Many individuals say that technologies of technologies speak of technology stocks, such as novey of Novey, as novey, novidia.

You can determine the weight of the Portflio’s weight in the stock price and decide for the impact of information (on or on etf.

For example, NTVQSQUES QQQSQUES 7.5% is 6.6% of the vancan S & P 500 ESF. In the meantime, Brooks 4.0% and 2.2% in those two EDPS in those two EDPS Two companies on January 27, two companies of the vankour S & 5 500 down the Vangour S & 5 500 DOWN TO THE VANOO S & 5 500. In other words, two megchepe stocks stayed in these money to count the price movement.

The sales and broadport in Newivia can result in high serious market market risks. It can be like Jading as Jading, like Jading, is a reminder of the importance of knowing investments, including S & P 500 and NasadaQ-100. However, there are a risk of focus.