Nethera Received the successfully, Level III CALGB (Alliance) / SWOG 80707 Clinical Test 80707 Clinical Test 80702 Clinical Test 80702 Clinical Test 80702 Clinical Test 807 Clinical Testing in Colorectal Cancer

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Turn of ~ 1,000 tricks of ~ 1,000 tricks of ~ 1,000 patients of ~ 1,000 patient Positive patients with both chemotherapy and selecatib In general compared to Chemotherapy, 40% improved improvement.

Additional ASCO Gi highlights the information obtained from the altarir clinical test, which shows high clinical benefits on Tipline (FTD / TIP) tipircil.

AUSTIN, Texas, – (Business Wire) – NATER, Inc. NASDAQ: NTRA), International leader from cell-free DNA and genetic testing an international leader, from Level III CALGB (Indians) / SWOG 807020707070707. Study. The study is available today in January 25, 2025, the San Francian, California, California, Clinograsso, Calculator, California, Califormo, Calcuthoclic.

The first study of this vital research has reviewed Positive patients are benefited by adding in a helper. In the experiment, the NSaid drug (NSAID), which is not signedaida steroid medicine (NSAID), standing III coloredal cancer (NSAID), Celecoxib in CECOXIB in CRCOX administration. Pre-specified analysis includes approximately 1,000 patients with plasma specimens after surgery to receive a philox (+//-) Selecoxib.

Key discoveries include:

  • After the surgery Signaturea-Positivity is predicted by the benefits of DFS and overall salvation, adding Selecoxib to auxili-free. Sleecoxib to Soc Chemotherapy DFS highly revised Plasbo (HR 0.55, 95% Ci 0.55, P = 0.80). Similar results have been displayed for the operating system (HR 0.58, 95% Ci 0.58, 95% CI 0.58, 95% CI 0.38-0.90; P = 0.013). Selecoxib in Cinertura-negative patients did not appear to be the benefit of salvation by adding a chemotherapy.
  • Before the surgery and the surgery, cystra status was very predictive. Signaturea-Positivity If the worst DFS (HR 7.14, 95% Ci: 5.5444-9.21; p.

The result of the Cordor Medical Officer and Netrai-Natra-Tetal Officer and Netrai-Natras, the main time of the coloredal cancer, is the main manager of Corporate Officer. In addition to Seleucratb, we showed a sign of the Signal Reset for Signetize and generally for Signators. These information offer convincing evidence to resolve a uncomfortable interest in the treatment of a hellored cancer treatment that is not for more than 20 years.

Random, Double-blinded altarir clinical test results will also be served in poster today. Altair has examined the treatment with Triplidine / Tippircil in Level I-IV Colored Cancer Patients. In the test, 243 signators of signal patients are taken to FTD / TPI or PLACFO within six months of treatment. Results in the EFTD / TPI team (Middle DFS population 9.3 months 9.3 months 5.3 P = 0.107) Patients IV patients with FTD / TPI indicates that 9.76 months average DFS (HR, 0.53; P = 0.012). This gives clinical benefits to the IV level of an IV for MRD’s positive examination.

About signeta

Signatherra The personality of patients with cancer is a personalized information, supported by an info, remedied, molecular disability. Customize for each individual’s customized, Signalatherra uses DNA to identify and improve the rest of the cancer. The investigation is provided for clinical and research service, and it is covered by Medicare, breast cancer, gyber cancer, gyber cancer, and muscle invasion and can control any solid infection. Signalaire has been credited with many types of cancer and indicators, and there is evidence that is published on over 100 infected papers.

About Netra

Netra ™ Sil-Free DNA and Dirty Testing International leader, for the health and physical health. IMPORTANT TO PRIVATED OFFICIAL DELIVERY DEPLICES AND DISCOUNTS TO PRIVATED OF PRINCIPMENTS AGAINS AND DISCOUNTS ABOUT THE PRIVATE DEVELOPMENTS. Netra’s experiments are confirmed by over 250 infected publications that display high accuracy. Netra works in Clia 13485, which is held on ISO 13485, and cupboratic laboratory in Clia. Visit for more information.

Descriptions that applies forward

All statements outside of this press release of the historical facts that are included in this press release of the historical facts that are included in this press and the Netra’s plans, assumptions or expectations are not possible. These future statements from the date of this press release from the newsletter, which will represent Netra’s expectations, and no obligation to update the future statements. These future statements are subject to knowledge and unknown disasters that the results of the clinical or other studies are supporting our product supplies and impacts of these results. Studies, our exams, accuracy, and performance of trials or our benefits of exams and products for patients, providers and Penins. More concerns and uncertain circumstances in detail in the list of the “accidental factors” on the documents that are in Figure 10-K and 10-Q and other Nethera’s documents. These documents are available at and available

BUSINESS TANTS MIKE Brophy, CFO, NATEA, Inc., 510-826-2350,
Media Leslie Bousho, the Deputy Communication Deputy, Natera, Inc.,

Source Natera, Inc.