Mediterranean revenge

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My genero was very cruel. Ten, Greece and Spain, Greece and Spain, Greece, and Spain, are declaring to the district’s world, and more than ten years of doubt. But that was very hurt, that was very damaged, that was very damaged, ” Turn out of what is between the people who occurred by the country.

The shock of the comments is taking vengeance. Spain was destroyed by 2024, in 2024, in 2024, in 2024. In the end of that year, Greece was violated as France as France. Flying hints in which foreign districts are now suffering from political classes in Athens. Before the flu start, Portugal has increased fast from Germany.

Economic numbers will be sent and down. What does not change, the south south south of the south south is the political power of the continent. Donald Trump was the only European major leader of Europe in the graduation of Donald Trump Graduate. There are many things more than a female chance or are British, France, and Germany now. After the Raxpet, after the natural position, it has been opened to another major public population. If it is clear candidates – Poland, Spain, and Italy – Two Mediterranean.

Even the largest problem of southern Europe is the exposed ability of informal transition. The rest of the continents are not so that Eyolia is reaching the north. The EU (EU EU and the same arrangement with Turkey.) The continent has a strategic value that is difficult to appear the EU now of the European Union. African and European and Europeans of some exchange, the moral decay, without knowing, but not knowing.

And this is not available under the Medival coin of Medivine. Eat old, in the elder continent, the technique is to tap in the more changing world. So where is the historical and language ties where? Madrid Currently, Miami as a home-from-house-from-house-of-the—————-term-effered Latin capital and ability. Although the same measures of the synagogue of the Brazilian reaction to the Brazilian, the same measures of the Brazilian is also, we also see, but we see the basic Linophone link.

The northern European union, such as coming and small is in historical accident and less. French – or the German-speaking of the German speaking of Madagascarar. In Britain, when it is in French in Britain, I never feels about the traffic in Europe, and it is where it looks like a bridge in Europe.

When Marco Polo went to China, two worlds were translated (“Cathan”) and south (“binding”). The languages ​​that are spoken in India’s sounds, extensive newspapers on south of the south. Americans combined a civil war in the more or less of the smaller of MM GRAND Frank. Any northern part of the body to north-south of the body is often in difficult circumstances as a average temperature and steppe. Europe is a little. As the continent is high-income, many Christian and strongly full of the continent, I will expect the world levels, in the world levels, in one country.

But all the north noise should be very cold. He still said. Fear of Britain LFS is “Italy” as “Italian.” Well, about the south south theories, the farm house a beautiful place for the week of the week are beautiful places and more time. The Although economic growth since 2010, strategic treats may pass on without an ad. The future of the continent depends on the south of the good parallel south, as it was ancient. Do you doubt the identity?

Jachens.gnos @

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