Joe Concha: My Top Five ‘Cringe’ Jean-Pierre Moments

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Now that power is about to be transferred peacefully, Americans can all expect to hear from a president who speaks for himself. A novel concept, for sure.

Without the aid of a teleprompter, the public rarely heard from President Joe Biden. Press conferences became foreign concepts. Here’s a deal: During his last term in office, Donald Trump held 35 solo press conferences. In Biden’s final year, he held exactly zero press releases. The hosts wouldn’t even let him have one on the way out the door.

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So, in the absence of the president being shielded from the public, or disappearing for another long weekend in Delaware, the face of the administration became Karine Jean-Pierre for the last two and a half years after handing over to the zealous Jean Psacki. The one that ran into MSNBC’s friendliness.

Let’s be fair: Defending Biden, who emerged from the Oval Office with a 36% approval rating, is a near-impossible task, especially after his brain has turned to applesauce. But at least Psaki can lie, think on her feet, when the questions get tough from Fox News Channel’s Peter Dossey and Jacqui Heinrich. The KJP had no such ability, leading to these suspenseful moments in our top five cringe moments for the next White House press secretary.

Peter Dossey was one of the few White House press reporters to ask tough questions of White House Press Secretary Karen Jean-Pierre. (Getty Images)

5. “Right? Right?”

After Biden argued that the way to bring down inflation is to make corporations pay their fair share in taxes, Dossey asked, “Everyday Americans?”

What follows is like listening to a college sophomore organize a stream of consciousness to achieve the mandatory word count on a vocabulary book report. In the official White House transcript, the answer was verbatim.

“So, look, I think we’re going to encourage those who did really well – right?” Jean-Pierre began. “Especially those who care about climate change, to support a fair tax — a tax code that doesn’t change — that doesn’t pay the manufacturing workers, the police, the builders, a higher percentage of their income, the most fortunate people in our nation — and — to lower energy costs and the barriers to fighting this existing problem, that If you think of it as an example and to support basic collective bargaining rights, right? If you don’t have a fair tax code, which is what I’m talking about, then everyone — everyone — like manufacturing workers, police officers — you know, it’s not fair for them to have to pay more taxes than people who don’t or don’t.

No matter how many times you stab her, “Right?” In a Kamala-esque word salad, we still don’t have an answer to the question of how raising taxes on corporations will reduce inflation.

4. Opt-out

We have been warned by Democrats that not accepting election results is a threat to democracy itself. So it was strange to see the KJP being chosen as the White House Press Secretary because she denied herself the choice.

After the 2016 election, she tweeted, “Stolen election … welcome to the world of #presidentlessTrump.”

In the year “Trump always finds a way to take him to the lowest of lows. He’s not only a dotard’s dotard, but he’s also a foster illegitimate president,” was her sentiment in 2017.

“Note: Brian Kemp stole the gubernatorial election from Georgians and Stacey Abrams in 2018 in the gubernatorial loss to Republican Brian Kemp.

That’s arctic cold stuff. DOC became the dictionary definition of “defensive” when she expressed the KJP’s objections to Donald Trump’s complaints about the 2020 elections and described these tweets.

“Let’s be honest. That comparison you made is ridiculous,” replied Jean-Pierre. “I was speaking at the time about what was happening to voting rights and what was threatening voting rights.”

Let’s be clear: No, you weren’t Karin.

3. “I can make this square.”

After Trump’s victory on Nov. 5, Heinrich asked Jean-Pierre a tough question about pre-election fears and post-election confirmations:

“This administration has sent a message to millions of Americans that they will wake up the day after the election that if Trump wins and their rights are taken away, democracy will collapse. And the president said today, ‘We’ll be fine.’ So how do you square that?” Heinrich asked the press secretary.

“I can shorten this,” said Jean-Pierre. Since I am answering this question over and over again, I will hopefully present it in a meaningful way.

“The American people made up their minds,” she continued. “An election was held two nights ago. It was! And it was a free and fair election, and we respect the election process. We will. And the American people have spoken.”

“What’s the message to people who are afraid based on what[Trump]is about?” Heinrich asked.

“Well, now you’re twisting everything around you, and that’s really unfair,” retorted a confused KJP. “Jackie, it’s not fair because I’m standing here to show respect for what happened two nights ago, two nights ago. To be respectful, I’m standing here to respect the decision of the American people.”

Instead of hustling Biden’s statements, the KJP spoke in circles.

2. “Screaming Questions”

In the year In 2023, when people around Biden were asked if they were trying to “protect” the aging president from the press by not allowing him to answer direct questions, Jean-Pierre began to spin at an alarming rate.

“The president stood in front of all of you many times, he took questions himself, because he wanted to see what was going on — in your mind, he wanted to see the questions that you all were going to ask, and he wanted to answer them directly,” she said. It’s unprecedented for a president to handle as many vociferous questions as he does.

please. Whenever reporters were invited into Biden’s Oval Office, they were booed out of the room by the president’s handlers during the regular question-and-answer period. And the “shouting questions” are the ones that Biden didn’t answer when he lost.

1. “No, no, no, no, no, no, you can’t.”

When Dosi challenged the KJP in September 2023 over allegations that the border was under control, she tried to blame the Republicans.

“What do you say here at the White House when 10,000 people cross the border illegally in one day?” Dossie asked.

“So what do you say, Peter, when (the GOP) puts out … wait, no, no, no, no, no, you can’t,” Jean-Pierre replied when Dossey tried to back off the press secretary. to reality.

“You’re answering my question with a question,” Dossey said.

“Okay, we’ll move on,” Jean-Pierre said without explaining why.

After the announcement, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) called out the White House for its indifference.

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“Joe Biden doesn’t seem to care. Karen Jean-Pierre doesn’t care. And (Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas) I know he doesn’t care because we’ve asked so many questions, we’ve asked for information and information. Jordan argued that he doesn’t want to reach out to us.”

“So that’s the state of this administration. And frankly, I think Joe Biden’s approval rating is very low, because you see what a miserable job this administration has done.”

Carolyn Levitt will be the next White House press secretary. At 27, she will be the youngest to hold the position. Levitt, White House Correspondents’ Association, by James S. Brady has promised to allow more non-traditional reporters and bloggers and podcasters access in an effort to end the monopoly on the briefing room.

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“This administration values ​​transparency and diversity in the media,” Levitt said. “We are committed to ensuring that the press room reflects the modern landscape of journalism.”

This is a good change. Trump has made many press releases as president-elect regarding accessibility. The last thing he needed was for the staff to hide it from the press.

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