Jessica Tarlov: 11 Biden Accomplishments We Can’t Miss When Trump Takes Office
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This week I hopped on the train and headed to DC to cover President-elect Donald Trump’s second inauguration.
I’m excited. It’s my first graduation and I understand the gravity of the moment even if my candidate doesn’t get in. If something happens only 47 times in history, it’s a big deal! Regardless of your politics, it’s an honor to be a part of it.
That said, while we’re putting Donald Trump back in the White House, let’s not forget everything that happened during the Biden-Harris administration. Here are 11 things on my list. And yes, I know his approval rating is very low and the American people have chosen a different direction. But this does not change the reality on the ground. History will be much kinder to Joe Biden than you think.
As Biden wraps up a half-century of political career, he can’t turn the page on Trump’s weight on the presidency.
For starters, President Biden recently announced a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. The deal is based on Biden’s three-phase proposal, which begins with the return of the 33 Israeli and American hostages and ends with a plan to rebuild Gaza. Did Trump and his Israeli ambassador have an impact? for sure. But this was done on Biden’s watch and with his negotiators.
2. Look at the strength of an economic recovery that took control of a pandemic that killed more than a million Americans. Today, the unemployment rate At 4.1 percent, President Biden oversaw the lowest unemployment rate since Bill Clinton. GDP growth is gangbusters to nearly 3 percent. While inflation remained stubborn, reaching as low as 2.9 percent this month, underlying inflation eased to 3.2 percent. And the stock market? The best ever. Our recovery is the envy of the industrialized world.
3. None of this would be possible without the Save America Act, which cut childhood poverty in half by giving most households $1,400 checks (no, Donald Trump didn’t give you that money) and expanding the child tax credit. 14 billion to distribute the amazing Covid-19 vaccine and forgivable loans to small businesses. Democrats put us back on track.
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4. One of the biggest areas of success was addressing health care costs for Americans. Under the Affordable Care Act, Medicare will cover the cost of insulin for millions of seniors by $35. Now under Medicare, out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs are capped at $2,000, saving 19 million Americans more than $400 a month. And let’s not forget that Medicare can now negotiate drug prices, a Democratic goal for years that could finally become a reality under Biden.
5. Is it Infrastructure Week yet? Of course it was! Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure deal will transform America’s roads and bridges. High-speed rail is no longer a pipe dream. Broadband for everyone, even rural Americans. Ports and waterways will get the attention they’ve needed for decades, and our cyber security will get much-needed upgrades. Good, high-paying union jobs are making all of this happen and of course it will all take time to come to life, but this deal is a monumental achievement for the country.
6. The CHIPS and SCIENCE Act is one of Biden’s major accomplishments that Republicans agree is a good thing. Hundreds of thousands of new jobs and a historic manufacturing investment to strengthen our national security make CHIPS an outstanding piece of legislation. A major victory for American supremacy and security means we no longer need to turn to China for our chips.
7. Although it flies mostly under the radar, the PACT Act is an excellent piece of legislation that expands VA benefits and care for veterans with 23 respiratory illnesses and exposures to burn pits, Agent Orange and other toxins. In just two years, more than one million PACT Act claims have been approved and nearly 900,000 veterans are receiving the disability benefits they rightfully deserve.
8, 9, 10, 11. There are many more things like the historic investment in HBCUs, the confirmation of 235 federal judges, the saving of tens of thousands of union pensions and, crucially, the first major gun safety legislation. Decades.
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Taken together, it’s hard to see how Biden’s four-year tenure in office hasn’t delivered for Americans in real and tangible ways.
Walking up Mount Rushmore? I doubt it. But to minimize what he has done for this country betrays the reality of his legacy, and there is no doubt that Trump will benefit greatly from the Biden agenda in his first two years in office.
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