Japanese Core Cores 16-month High, Markels Brake for BRAK
By playing kihara
Tokyo – the annual annual investors in 16 months in 16 months and after expenses, the lower levels of the ultrasound.
The information in Friday will come before the Japanese bank is expected to increase short-term interest prices to 0.5%.
Dynamou The increase in the mediatanic investigants of the colonial food prices (CPII) will relate to the Median market proxy and 2.7% profit in November.
The August 2023 It was the largest year from 3.1% profit of excess day.
“The result of the results in the Zaziki Walls,” The constitution of the constitution of the “Cooja” forecast can be used. “There is nothing on the road on the way in the biki rate in the January, in front of the price.
The origin of raising affects the impact of the highest food prices for the potential food prices that have been capable of recording the accounts of information.
The cursor of both food and fuel costs are better in December 2pm in December 2pm in December 2pm in November.
Boja completed negative interest prices in March and is pushing 2% inflation target for 0.25% of inflation target.
If the governor sells Uda, the udd’s consumption and companies are readers ready to start the home price not only for goods but services.
(Reporting in Lyca Keractor, Gamini Navarantamm]Free