Here is what Coxseke has to say about “Sell”.

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Dear friends, this post is a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to train an llm in the analyzed responses of Umar Katts. Get all the relevant sales emails in your inbox and post them with minimal intervention.

Backed by high-flyers VC funds, it is a two-year-old company from Hehe Jiangjiu University. The revealed goal is not for the money, but for the development of artificial general intelligence. He said a Good interview CANATATALLALDALER MASERANALLAY WHEANGE WHENAN WNNFNG, this overview from our colleagues in the country Olcott and Zijing Wu.

Zezu Jordan Rockster takes the story. . .

(O) NAN 20, (Operak) in some mathematical and simulation research model (PRANSKEKKE-R1), including the original leading model (partsekeke- R1) including the starting condition, cost, transparency etc. App lost free app download rankings Apple app in US download list Stores in China and the US download list from the chat list.

What has really been? They said it took 2 months and less than $6 million to develop the model and less than $6 million to build existing models. By comparison, Open is worth more than $5 billion. Apparently, DeepPepp bought 10,000 Novia chips and bought a lot of these images. If it basically reflects the iCapex narrative.

It sounds bad, but why? Here is Jeffers Graham’s Aden A.

Slammed power fraction with GPT-40 has an impactful performance, taking into account the COPEX plans, pressure on the construction of the data center will lead you to a low rumor for income and profit growth.

The SHASSEKE R1 model is free to play with over hereAnd all the common things you can find in IMBIBICE PRINAMERCER as summaries of documents Logic problems are wrong. The R1-Zero model, an art army model trained completely without supervision.

More details on Deindu Jaayeea and team in Peel Hunting are here.

First, there was less than 3 million GPU hours, more than $5 million in training costs. For context, Tangos estimates that Meta will spend 60-70 meters to train the final Meta Modi AI model. In the second place, people can ensure the efficiency of the basin (in relation to power) by ensuring that the goods are sold. We believe that it will not be long before they are running frozen versions of strawberries. This efficiency is interpreted by the versions of this model that are handled by this model. Finally, it is released under the MIT License, which includes unlimited freedom, unlimited freedom, for commercial use of the program.

It is not an unexpected threat to the open industry complex. Even Economist It appeared many months ago, and there were industry mags that were SEMIIALIALIALIALASISISS like industry mags Talking to the ages Because of Chinese complacency.

That may or may not happen here. Here are the tools of the special salesman Joshua in Japmogan

The top flyer is a pile of ~50k hops GPIs (Operation / Training / 5). For example, for the V2 model, they are said to be 1/7 of the GPT-4 turbos. Their funny (though not new) claim – this week What started to hit the names of the American I – that “more investments will not be more creative.” Ling: – “Now no new approaches I don’t see, but the big companies don’t have a clear hand. Big companies have existing customers, but their cash flow is also their burden, and this makes them stay away at any time.

Anyone who is good for now will tell you. Return to Museum:

Why does this cause pain? This happens after a Texas giant saw “chips at more than $152 billion and a capital of $65 billion with a capital of 60 to $65 billion. LLAMA and of course MSFT $80B announcements are trying to completely lead with NVDA … . .7% down).Markets are now wondering if this is an AI bubble time for markets or not. CSSCO DOT-Comb Bubble) is the largest individual company weight of the S&P500 with 7%.

And Jerfers again.

1) We see at least two possible industrial strategies. As a result of the CHIP supply walls, more effective training models from China will likely emerge to achieve innovation, further intensifying the competition for AI dominance between the US and China. A key question for data center builders, remains “Build at all costs” With accelerated updates of reports, or affecting the major budgets and captics budgets that are now focused on. Near the market, the market takes the latter time.

2) Exaggerated risks are exposed nearby. Although data center exposed names are prone to work on happiness, there is no immediate change in funds for our expansion. Any changes given by CAPEX plans are implemented (> 12 m) and respectively (~ 10% for hot). Limited IDs or existing orders and exposure to these orders and at this level are expected to be high on existing investments driven by more efficient models. Overall, we are bullish on the sector with information leaders benefiting from weight and higher pricing power.

Although it is Chinese, so people are suspicious. Available from Citi Atif Milik:

At a time when the success of hate is significant, the cups are made and the final models are based on cooperation without the use of advanced GPS, we doubt his thinking. Disturbed Technique. The predominance of US companies can be helped by the predominance of i models, which in our environment is more restrictive, we have the advantages of access to more advanced chips. Therefore, we don’t expect that leading Ani companies will go with the more attractive $ $ / tflops leading GPUs companies. Let’s see the latest iCapix ads like that Stargate The importance of advanced chips

For Mago7 roo is the ango7 roo, really, is it a good reason for a very wide market gay market lineup?

Cheap Chinese AI means more productivity benefits, lower construction costs and so on Teacher theory Likewise. . . Good news in the long run? Japangagan fields again

This is because there is nothing more trivializing or worrying about him, or where he wins in the most important capital (remember, the other big thing that happened yesterday is Mark Zuckerberg Higher Ayu Capex materially). Instead, it seems that the competitors in the Pacific can meet the models with 1/5th of the other open models that are crowded with 1/5th of the other open models. For those who keep track, SteSeSe V2 training is not too far in performance from GPP-4 floats. “If guilt can reduce the cost of entry, others will have to do the same, and they will hope for more than that in time.

That’s also the analysis of semis totuya wadsuy wadahi, the most Ai-stubbornness in large banks.

The accuracy of these reports has not been confirmed, but if they are correct, and advanced LLM for early investment (in operation (from high-end computers), from high and small computers (from ur computers to work , office computers and finally personal computers) and the “semiconductor / production equipment) industry The need for all the products (chips and sports) related to the giard cell can be obtained from this beauty.

And appreciate it again

We believe that the impact of those benefits will be twofold. In the medium to long term, we expect LLM infrastructure to go the way of telco infrastructure and become ‘commodity technology’. Currently, the financial impact of AI capex is based on numerical intervention – which has had a major impact on telcos. As the Internet, the mobile infrastructure layer, as the Internet, mobile, mobile and the cloud, the user should be the companies that maintain that infrastructure. When we think of Aman, Google and Microsoft in terms of breaking the cloud, after the need to support the current business models, e-hat, advertising and data worker software. LLM infrastructure such as rail and telco infrastructure, these are being built before reality/market fit.

We will continue to share this post as the emails remain in place.

Further reading
– Chinese giants such as Deep Hackers have seen global giants (FT)
– How to start Chinese AI Shovse-shockse Shockon Valley (FT)