Givaldan High 2024 Predestries on the Market

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(Roeters) – Swiss silver and flavor of Swiss, has been supported by the firm range of annual results in the market and perhaps 2021-2025 growth.

Hard Sales Progress last year, he increased Ghiudan’s profits last year, which is a unique strong firm flight business.

12.3 percent of the full-year income increased by 12.3% to 7.41 billion. The average prediction of the Untanists 7.39 billion is a public opinion in the company.

The revenue obtained before the price reduction and compensation has been increased by 1.77 billion franks.

On average, 7.2 percent of Givaudan’s timetable in the past four years, the average number 7.2 percent of the number of sales has been prepared for 4-5 percent of the same tip. Region for five-year guidance.

Since 2023, a full year sales, a full-year sale, has increased by 14.1 percent, and the Taste & Wellbeing Business has increased more than half of the Givan & Wellbeing business. The same basis.

Both compounds have been won by 13.9% and 10.1% growth in order.

One of the markets raised the highest increase in organic sale, and North America also displayed the minimum increase.

Private Executive Description, “We were thrilled with the Financial Performance of 2024.

Givaudan suggested that 2024 distribute to the distribution of 70 Frank, which is 2.9 percent of the previous year.

($ 1 = 0.9051 Switch Frank)