Giant Sanhol in Japan is hanging in the truck in Japan

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Fight Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday to save Japan’s emergency driver Smoking Near Tokyo.

Authorities have received a way in Jirahio City, the host of the host and the host of the road.

Since then, “firefighwide spokespoons spokespoon after sperm after sperm to the fireworks of the Firefly, after the border of the Firefire in the border of the fire, he said.

Those who think about the crosses of the cross – the size of the swimming pool – and 20 feet deep.

“Now, we are trying to see that we can explore the truck using a large arm,” he said. “There is a danger of being destroyed by the hole.”

Japanese event - a sudden-pool
Firely accident workers work to save trucks in the vehicle’s city in the vehicle city town in the United States.

STR / JUD PAST / FP. Via images of Kitty

The driver has been able to talk to a new one from a newly 1 hour to 1 hour but the hole said that the hole is unstable and unstable.

The group first went into the plague, but it was planned to save the driver, but when trying to do so, two members are gently.

The sewage system runs near the local, and the cause of diagnostic is reported from Kyodo news.

The In 2016, a Giant Sanholi appeared In Japanese, Japan in Japan, Japan. This cursor worked on time to adjust the workers on the street of heavy street.

Last year, a The pool is suddenly open In the North Korea, Save, in North Korea, swallowed Save in South Korea, in North Korea.

According to BBCThe world’s largest Stannasty world is in China – Measure more than 2,100 feet.