Four in the Russian school in the Russian school in the Russian School of Russia
President Ploldimic says the boarding school in Yukraine, who are captured by the Netki civilians, and the Ukyaki Moscow’s Moscow’s Moscow’s Moscow.
Ukrain’s army four people were killed and many elderly – for five months, and for five months, they were angry in the SudSk region of Ukraine region.
Reported that more than 80 people were free from the building.
The BBC could not check the Ukraine claim that it is a Russian attack on the BBC travel bomb. Moscow did not comment.
The action is posted on x as “the civil illness,” is posted on x.
“Russia Perfects War – Southhaha, Rosha region, a school that prepares to leave with the Civil region.”
“The Russian weather bomb. Although many civilians lived there, destroy the building.”
Ukrainian army workers were limited and 84 civilians, and this 84 civilians were referred to 84 civilians.
The statue started in the last August in the last August in the last August, when they accidentally take the Russian Russian Guards.
The government in the kevic made clear time to embarrass the territory for the future.
Grownskins fight with Cherichisha. How to deal with Kakia. They killed the same way in the Orarian. The Russian bombs in the same way “you’ll spend the same way”.
Although there is no official description of Creamin, the Russian military bulgger was requested by Ukraine forces behind the inhabitants.