Five ways to fix a knowledge crisis in a knowledge crisis
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A few days ago, at the World Economic Forum in Dagos, this week, I heard the gloamers who broadcast Donald Trump’s transition. Over dinner at a heavy dinner, they discussed their fears about the economic, political and geopolitical crisis. Then a world leader returned to ancient Greece.
“We have a pediatrician crisis,” he said, looking at Greek words Episteme (“Knowledge”) and Logos (“Study”). “Democratization is taking place” especially when different social groups are now understanding knowledge.
so true. Trump this week “deliberately” has never known that, as a Harvard professor, he was deliberately narrowed by amazing pipes.
What are the findings of two recent surveys? Included in Wef, It shows that For the second year in a row, at the meeting (mostly) delegates from war and weather disasters are the biggest short-term threat.
The second Public opinionFrom Edelman’s public relations group, 61 percent of people (in 28 countries) complain about forcing change, and 40 percent repeatedly expect to take hostile action.
In addition, two-thirds of such business leaders, governments and the media deliberately lie about the sharp increase in recent years. Trump has been outed by aliens and experts – including scientists National Institutes of Health – It reflects this. The President of the United States after the reign of the President of the United States from Wefs- “People are angry”
So how should Elins and professionals respond? At the expense of Delusion, two responses are prioritized. Some business leaders (in technology) ignore Trump’s “novel” to cut deals. Others (like the defunct vs. spindly) are criticized as offensive, stupid or evil, and the controls disappear and Trump and big tech seem to correct the “lies”.
However, I suggest that there is another way: leaders should consider what they can do to heal this infectious division. how is? There are several possible steps. The first is “participation”.Deep listeningTo quote the concept revealed by journalist Emily Caruel. This means hearing as much as possible about the filters Trump supporters have already taken. To understand why public discontent has exploded, we need the helper’s feelings.
We also need this to understand another point: many Trump supporters believe that they entered the war to save Western civilization – and with the same emotional strength as, climate activists. It cannot be avoided or shocked.
Second, if leaders want to restore public respect for their environment, the “error bar”, researchers must follow the long scientific principle that researchers can honestly indicate their level of confidence in research results. During the Pangsid, politicians made dogmatic statements about medical issues (vaccines, for example, sometimes making arguments – even if the science is temporary, when the science is reduced.
Maybe as fast as possible, maybe full of fear. But as entrepreneurs, Peter has contributed to the “experts” to the “experts” recently defined “experts”. Therefore, if the leaders of all political symbols want to restore credibility, they must raise the bar of error in the future.
Third, leaders (as I wrote before, trust in authority – is being stolen today. Instead, people in the peer group or local community as sources of advice (in other words, relationships on the latter trust). They may hate leaders, but with him They have to work – see it.
Fourth, if you believe in the principle of knowledge production, you should put your money behind it. That means waiting for intellectual inquiry in quality journalism, intellectual partners, think-tanks and universities and promoting this in the polysem. To inspire, see 3142ab.orgThe Political Action Committee of American Scientists aims to transfer more scientists to public office. Thousands of volunteers are already shocked. But more can be done.
Fifth, leaders should take initiatives to counter online misinformation. That does not mean using physical force to stifle free speech. But this means installing guards with strong advocacy and community support for reality platforms. These tools focused on people are now mainly found on lies, meta and other content if they decide to cut moderation.
These steps are not magic. But they are better than entertainment, despair and guilt. The sobering truth is that neither big technology nor government can fix or fix the crisis of childhood. The responsibility rests with all of us.