Team India He chose the first route in the second T20I England Maya Chidamram Stadium in Chennai. Residential group under management Surikakar Yadav Some key players did not get the last place in the final game, so they made two changes. The difference is, Nithis Cream Judy And Rutu sinsu They are not selected for the game played.
Nitish Kamr Addy and Rukisu Singh isolation
NITIS Kumar eddy was sidelined from this series due to a side rope injury during the practice session. It is 8th from the 2nd and 3rd from the low back Singh who supports when playing in the opening match. Washington Surreys And Dhruv Joder DUO is chosen to replace.
“Natish Kurbar is injured, he will earn in one or two games in the rookie. In Washington Sanghar, the local boy and Daruvil Jurel instead of Rikiku”. Surikakam is on tap.
In particular, B.C. It also provides updates on injuries related to Knights and Ricky. Nitish is affected by the entire series of stories. He will undergo further treatment at the BCCI testing center in Bengaluru. Meanwhile, under the supervision of BCCI’s medical team, he is improving well, but he also has to deal with the 2nd and 3rd matches of the series.
Excursion Dib And Ramrasp Singh They have joined the Indian team, but they are only available from the third match forward. Meanwhile, she suffered from an ankle injury, now she is fit to play in Chennai.
IN VES Ing: Both teams play Xi
England: Ben Duke, Phil Philip (w), Smith (c), Harry Rick, Jame Coviton, jrydon Cover, Jofdon Carky, Jofr Rasshid, Adel Ardyd, Marh Woods
IndiaRelated Pages Message: Sanhu Samson, Abhishek Shar, Sulak Varva, Turi Pathya, RHURV Patha, AXRAV PASHIA, AXRAV PASHIN, ARAHDEEPED, ARAHDEEPERARE
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