Ed Sheecher 2025 Indian visit-day, tickets, ticket prices, how to handle your place. Check details

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Music lovers in India Since January 30, emotional paphos is a fun performance of the eighth 26 to wait for the six city tour in the country January 26 A unforgettable scene in Pune.

The +-= = / X “town” + – = / X “visit, Ed Shern Celebrating a shirt of” Punneiah “that was” Pun Yan “that would be” Pun Nyan. ‘

DOT. The visit is presented in AEG Council Asian Asian and bookmark books.

The English British icon wants to treat fants and charts to treat mixtures and charts in the 2025 India’s visit.

Incoming visit days and s

  • Hydbelrad: February 2, Ramgi movie city
  • Cheanani: February 5, the YMCA Grace
  • Bengeuru: February 8, beautiful land
  • Shillog: February 12, JNA Stadium
  • Delhi- NCR: February 15, Entertainment Valley Land

Ticket prices and availability

Tickets are now available and can be purchased in the next rates:

  • Hydboad: From ± 4,500
  • Cheanna: From ₹ 4,500
  • Benophar: Since ₹ 5,000
  • Sharning: Since ₹ 1,200
  • Delhi- NCR: Starting from ± 6,500

Tactics are located for the official ticket for the visit. The prices above are home prices and vary depending on the seat and availability. In average, an average of 3,000 and 28,000 tickets are required to sell in the booklet, PAYTM ARITATATES or other official partners.

In addition, HSBCDMDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Please note, This offer is limited, and you can buy a maximum six tickets per user.

How to Choose

  1. Visit the official bookmark website or mobile app.
  2. “Search Ed Edman India 2025.”
  3. Choose the city and place of your choice.
  4. Select your seats and complete the payment process.

In six cities, fans have many opportunities to enjoy the live performance at the beginning of 2025!