“Do you know that?” RAVICHAFRANSS ASHWIN SHODS ‘Comment on Rigry Toyphys with Virr Kohli

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Former Team India Spanner, India Spanner, after 12 years of the spapi, after arriving at the Rjiji Tropey, for 12 years later. However, Ravyranrara, when I was annihilated, the Twitter suffered a Twitter.

Viro Khly returned to domestic elementary competition but 15 balls were removed in Dinch Jhatley Stadium. Railway Parents in terms of the relative of the Sonshu SangGan poetry. Delhi had a remarkable victory in the night and in the last round of time.

Viro Khlie is very motivated – revichandran ashwin

Ravichafran Ashwin Virr Kohli, a large movement of the creek cricket. Ashwin said Kohi is too motivated and still predicting a cricket to try. In addition, many people emphasized that they should live for a Dorgi Latry match.

“It’s great when it comes with Verak Cohley.” I know it was the best of people who started. Ashwin, Ashwin, Ashwin, Ashwin is very good

A twelve “Blessed is Blessed” – Ravyrarau Auwin

After ASHWIN Riiji To Jooghy Prodies After calling a “blessed disorder ‘in Vroke. The none of the rich history of the competition and the navigation of the crick has been played regularly.

I saw a voyage blessed “. I spoke, I spoke to a poison of the exhibition. For many years he is going to many years, there is a doshine.

Every time of all times playing the Ringing Creekin. Mammid Cunking, players are used playing in the race. For CRICT, players are not necessary, but players for players, Christic.

ERSHU Sangwan brought a district ball

The AlanHu Sangwan was damaged with the festival of the best delivery of. Ravyrires, the mother, called “gold-dusty performance” and emphasized the shipment of the ship. Ashwish, Ashley said that Kahly needs time in the middle of the day, Khali needs time in the middle.

“Hehuhu So SangWan is not one ordinary rughiy rongy. It was an unique incentive. It was an unique incentive. It was an unique incentive. It was an unique incentive. It was an unique incentive

I don’t see (Viaar Kohi) beat. His wife was very fast. Sometimes from 140-145 km Nothing can be beat.

Will the Kyro Khlyi returns to the international cricket in England in February 19th. After a series, Kohi Strong Record will be critical of the most important factor in the Cricket in 50 – Critical success.

Also read: Nathan Leon Revichandraan AshwinSwin, Sannean Sundan, Historical WTC Modeto shows