DIA, vaccines, Trianm military executive orders on large soldiers

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The US President Donald Donald Transformation Trincode Automorer’s Overadan, We Washington, Washington, Denison Denison Denison

Carlos Arr | Roiters

President of Donald Trump is to sign up for several executive orders to change military policies on 200 immunizations in 200 immunizations And Dia or differences, fairness and inclusion.

Trump is also ready to build the “iron Don” missile defense system of Israel’s “iron Don” missile defense system.

The orders in the federal government’s first week of the federal government, the majority of the federal government passed through the White House.

In the event of the 19 occasion, the expected hour, in the existence of the military virus, he was commanded to renew the military released people from the military.

Service members who want to reungeon will also receive full rear and benefit benefits, NBC reported.

Another commandment in a bid placed to gender-chart Worship in the bid and “prepare” to give priorities “and violence.

The order former President Joe Joe Ben is better for Cenndense 2021 Order Being a military identity and the use of the creative works mentioned in the military based on the military.

The documents say: “Men’s heating,” and prohibits women from using women, change, or use the Watch institutions. “

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The President is also designed to sign the order of all differences, fair and compensation practices to complete all differences, fair and compensation practices.

The order shall be led by Pentagon to review all the internal “seed or sexual differences of the internal” seed or sexual differences.

These institutions of electronics is directed to evaluate the NBC of the white-house documents, “Gender Current Academic Affairs” According to the White Household Celebrations “NBC.