Despite Trump’s demand for cut rates, Wall Street is increasingly doing the opposite

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  • President Donald Trump He has already made it clear that he wants to cut the Fed immediately, but he doesn’t see a wall pass happening anytime soon. Of course, more analysts are spinning action races.

Days after his inauguration, President Donald Trump began to give up pressure on the Federal Reserve. But the wall street sees it as uncompressed and as a chance it increases the speed of rest.

On Thursday, he told the World Economic Forum in Uluvis, Switzerland, that he is mainly responsible for feeding this decision, “the punishment”. Chairman Jumonis Paul.

FUSD will connect this reserve week with the guidance week on Sunday afternoon. Wall Street expects to remain at 4.25%-4.5% after 100 cut points last year. And this could be lower as the US economy is pushed up by tariffs, tax cuts and immigration proposals.

In 2025, we do not believe that the main investment founder and the main investment residence will be cut, in 2025 a Financial ties on- ed Tuesday. Instead, we expect a resilient US economic and monetary policies to increase rates from September and higher and more restrictive policies.

He also pointed out that there is a desire to kill the inflation rate by waiting for miracles.

For this reason, employment will be “ultra-Orthodox”, “choose inflation with work,” Papasavis predicted if PAPASH comes to the ramp.

Dan Avissin, Chief Investment Officer, PAMCO; He told them Ft Separately On Wednesday, the Central Bank is ready to provide more economic information and transparency as a wall, and our honor.

Walkthroughs are “certainly” possible precautionary scans, as expected for surveys between transitions, not on the baseline.

“We are not out of the woods in terms of cruelty,” he said. Ft.

What comes later Bank of America He said earlier this month FADET stage – cutting cycle is already completedAnd “the conversation should go to the journey.”

If the main personal consumption expenditure is fixed at 3% annual and long-term inflation expectations, they would have played if they had chosen the 3% annual inflation wishes.