Delhi appear in the Babolurn ‘ENGuluu. Netizins divide

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Delhi or Bengar – which city is better? This debate is continuously on social media and is continuing. Social media user recently shared the bomb.

The user said that the Delivery’s people hate is real in India’s capital, collectors are generally cruel and unchanged. It is also a fucking funny funny funny funny funny funny funny funny funny funny and announcement of the shark tank in the Shark Tank India.

The divided network is paid, with some users and other users, and when they receive Delhamham’s wells.

“Hatrics and stereik lady is a stereik lady. I’m not deceived in a corgered basin)” No commentary. ”

I have heard the worst of South Indians from north Indians. “Yaya, Kahai, Yar Sabj jagaa,” says a girl, “Why do you know why a few things in South India were in South India? KYun Ki COI PAUVER KARNEY Kakney Sai. “I have South India. Second user” citing a professor to South India. “There is also a high-scale of a southern Indian.

They are very shocked Cedas (other Shame Nangalius) ”

Nahf in Bangore, my Delie friends very good. I mean a lot.

“Delhi is in the place where we use and live.