Conflict to hinder the supply of weapons in the Ukraine purchasment agency

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The official of the Ministry of Protection and firearms in Ukraine’s Minister of December and firearms, which motivated the disagreement in the government in Monday Monday.

Three days ago, the Minister of the Minister of the Minister of the Minister of the Minister of the Minister is not required to redeem the procurement agency. But Monday Bassierrova contacts, and Mr. U MRArov, did not have the right to flirting that decision.

The Agency was established to ensure clear and effectiveness of the agrees established by the agencies. Activists and some legal guards, including a popularity in the President Waldamilizes, move the anti-yearly sticking of the Mr. Umerov.

“The Minister said that our work and a serious crime on our interview of our Corporation. During the war.

She told the office for her office for her office, and there was no clear how lock is solved.

It is $ 7 billion and an organization that adjusts over $ 7 billion in the last year – a new motive Kyuvs Kyuvs is a partner to develop alternatives.

As many of the attendees, many attendees, many attendees were gathered with many attendees and Imicis officials, such as many attended by the civine western diplomats. Meanwhile, the Ukraine Parliament has the head of the Sun Defense Committee The grievance of Mr. Umerov.

The Ukraine defense of the defense did not answer a question. Mr. U Mr Mrrov, Mr. Zenmevus, because Mr. Zolans do not have any criticism.

This is not that the Ukrain’s government promotes the authorities who are responsible for improving government institutions. For example, in the last year, Olexand Cutracov has never been unusual for the minister of the test.

But a wife. It is an attempt to expel Badcavavan, the Ukraine, the Ukraine is the vulnerable vulnerability of the Ukraine and the vulnerable weapons from Nay.

Activists also viewed it, especially as a result of anxiety about corruption in Ukraine, as long as they have seen anxiety. Ukraine anti-corruption of Ukrainic Anti-Corruption, anological firearms of firearms, and our worldly partnerships are undergoing our faith.

Mr. Yimorov by Post on Facebook The Agency has failed to succeed in “timely supply of our army and instead of political games, contracts, and information duties. He did not give specific examples.

The previous counselor is completed last year, the previous counselor is completed last year, and the previous counselor has not been able to evaluate contract effectively last year. The agency is developing the most enriched in the state companies rather than directly from private providers.

Mr. Brezava was appointed in the Representation Agency. Depending on facilities and basic supplies such as food, the contract contracts of the facts and basic supplies promises corruption.

Mrs. Bazkavavavau, a previous principal company in the National Electric Company was to eliminate Amazonity, often firearms, often causing salests. He said that the Agency said Diminished the share of the ethnician Last year, from 81% of the average of 81% of a hundred percent of a hundred percent of a percentage of percent. These figure could not be neutral.

Mrs. Bescavava said her work in the ministry. Defense authorities have been impressed that the Ukraine firearms held by the employees was pressured to sign contract in the Ukraine arm of the utterance. After graduation, many shells were able to lose fire after sending to the forehead, Develop a main scale in Ukraine.

The defense service admitted that more than 20,000 shells are gone. Others believe that the weather is too high.

According to Mr. Vahab, Mr. Bzurva, however, had to vote more. He also said that the instruments in the factory can be done to collide management equipment. The procurement pushes the work of “regular and administrative issues with the Agency structure.

Mr. Brezava by creation a supervisor board in the agency, delay last year Crisis It helps keep her free from Western partners. In the interview, “I don’t want to be a window dress or a folder machine.”

However, before the first meeting of the Board, the Ministry of Defense of the defense of the Defense of the Ministry of Defense to improve the service provider in most Board’s decisions. You will win the authority of the Board, the regime of the Board is a minister of old Minan Umerov.

After the supervisor board is posted on a week, Mr. Umerov said the contract is not able to redeem and expire the two state representations on the board.

He said Mrs. Kelcanic, Charter’s Ministry of Defense, says that the agency is the main contract. The charter, who is evaluated by New York Times, allowing any Agency official to provide any agency official.

It is not how clear the legal land determined to go to the fire Uzurrova to fire Uzurrova.

You cannot provide all the tools of Ukrain’s needs in western partners, especially the Ukrain’s needs of Ukrain’s needs, the agency has been helped to pay for contractors committed with local warfacts. The Minister of the Defense for $ half billion dollars Have been prepared Through the last new procedure.

The new method continues to work the current lock or not clear.

“KYIVER is the worst time of Ukraine,” US Marsics in Moscow and in some ways he said.

Andrew E. Cream Reported report