Black boxes found as airport workers

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Brandon Deraine

BBC News, Washington

See: Recovery will be unlocked again as a recovery after the DC plane risk

Black boxes are found in the airport of airports in Washington, DC in military helicopter.

Manual for air traffic and planes in the area in the area of ​​typically two people in the area – only one person mentioned in BBC USB in the National Airport.

According to authorities, he still said these 67 people are still explore the situation of these 67 people to kill the two highways.

The National Transport Security Board (NTSB) has come out within 30 days of a first report.

The flight information of the flight box, which is known as the blackbox, the black boxes, can help make clues about investors What could be on the flight?.

The boxes will be taken to the nearest NTSB lab, and analyzes the basis of SBS.

In the New York Times, air traffic control the air traffic control the first Federal Aviation Management (FMA) reports “informal” reports.

Different Thursday, often seeking victims of victims of victims of victims in the Pathoma River.

The search was blocked on Thursday evening because of dangerous circumstances.

There were 64 passengers conflict with a military trooper in the mission of the missionary mission. Three soldiers were on the ship.

No one has been He survived.

Viet Images in Washington DC Radghan Airport planesBetty Images

DC Fire and Ms Major John John Chicken Dolkon Dolkon Dolko Dolk Coro Dolko Dolk Coro Dolf and one of the helicopter

President Donald Donald Trump, in Thursday, began the prayer of victims and the prayer of victims.

“We will always be”, “by adding”, “,” we began to imagine that “,” “,”

Trump then called As a result of conflict, the procedure of air traffic supervisors may be conducted in the demographic procedures in the Federal Aviation Administration.

Later Thursday, Fair, Fairness and DI) in the vision sector, an experimental, fair, and inclusion (dii) to bring the DII procedure in the vision sector. Broadly, DD policies are designed to make people of their multiple backgrounds – including the support and welcome of social and economic fees, racial, gender, tan.

Tramps also signed the executive order to appoint the VAN new head.

Wednesday Local Airlines (02 000 GMT) in the 4-hour helicopter in the 21-hour helicopter in the 213 0022 53 0022 when it is with the American Army When air in the 53th section of the air air in the 53th section of the air air in the 53th section of air, air air air in the 53th section of the air air in the 53th section of air, air air air is air in the United States Air Air Air air.

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Both planes into the Poma River. The passenger plane got up to many pieces and came into the water, and the helicopter went out in the river.

The plane was a bombali cry700, with Wichit, Kansas, and carried Dozen passengersIncluding old age, including old, their mother and two Russian trainers.

Creed Guard The English Guardian Passov, and others were on the ship from other citizens. Today, it’s from the franchise.

We are sorry for our families and send our sadness for families and friends. “

Helicopter with three soldiers with three soldiers with three soldiers with three soldiers, the helicopter was Sikorlyky H-6.

Wednesday evening, a new installed petiler Pet Pet, “Hellicopter for three of that black halls.” He said.