And they liked them with the Virr Kohli “

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ህንድ ብሄራዊ ክሪኬት ቡድን ቲ 80i Skipper Suykakakakakavav በአምስት-ግጥሚያ ቲሪኬት ቡድን ውስጥ ከአምስት-ግጥሚያው To20I ተከታታይ ትር show ት ተቀበለ.

Surekar, Javiged Sunday, in February Stadium, were held on the fifth and last lions, the last lions of the two lions.


Supykakumar Yadvar’s Yadvar in the last 8 T20I inves

The micros were crossing in the international cricket in the international cricket of Hadium, and after the camera entered the best T10 battery.

He played emotional checks that take backwards and back to India’s National Cricket Telephone and went up to the ICC Men men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s male men.

In 2022 and 2023 Men’s men’s men ‘men’ men’s men ‘men’s men’ men’s men’s men’s male boys men’s male men’s male men’s male men’s male men’s men ‘men’s male men. However By 2024

In relation to the three lions, it is a palm packet for the Indian Mr. 360 of the Ti0i work in the TI0I work in the TIS22.

Generally, in the last 8 in the last 8 in E-Ins, 54 performs an average of 6.75 in the last 8 investment. Fantensed fans fall on it and wanted to play fast injury and playing from Indian removal X.

Fanks respond to the fants of the 5th20is vs in England

Hope, no dew – no dew – Suskar Yoddav

In the area where the bowed area, Surrykar was hopeless not hope in any of them. He also wanted the batteries play freely and to express themselves with themselves. He is explained:

“It’s not true. We want to be a good wiking. Men seeks to be a good wind. Men seeks to raise their hands.

If you want to play the Critical name, you are thrown out of the process, but we have a change with the process. Mohammed Kamie comes in Aristpe. “

Playing the India XI: Sairlar, Taxable Pravi, Shaikakkakar, Rundar PEDE (VC), Mohammed Cyime