Aiuschwitz: Death camp became the center of the Nazi Tarus

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About 80 years ago, the Soviet army, in the Idwitism, and some of the survivors come to the world leaders to remember the world leaders to recall 1.1 million people.

The rest of the survivors are usually in their 90’s and this may be the last year of any of them.

In four and a half years, Nazi Germany Oswimki, Oswiski, the city of Oswimkis, was killed in Iland in southern Poland.

Auschwitz was in the middle of the Nazi campaign to destroy the Jewish people, the European campaign, and there were people who died.

There were a poles, Roma, and prisoners of the others who had lost their lives.

When the Red Army entered an unclean in 27 January 1945, only about 7,000 prisoners were only about 7,000 prisoners. When the Nazis were west, “thousands of others were killed to leave your feet.

Italian prisoners Leviatie Lwin Levi was sleeping in Zamp Hospital and relieved with a simple fever when they arrived in Zoviet Liberata.

“When the” stomach of life “is still in the holes,” the people still writes “, in time, the stomach in the holons will later write” a majestic in the holons.

“They did not believe in peace) or did not smile. The sense of guilt to live such a crime.”

“Headen, Sagren, Poor People, People” Solder Ivan Martinshinzin said death camp free,. External. We were joyful before the salvation of Hell. “