After the threat of Roto after the European Union’s hybrid dogs
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Rola Calaf of H.T.
The European Union agreed to renew the sanctions after Hail first threatened the etto. The decision comes with the statements of our narcotics administration, which is estimated at Moscow in response to the war in Ukraine.
The United States Donald Trump has allowed the European Union to cut the sanctions month by month after the end of the month. But yesterday, last week, Russia said that it is willing to consider more restrictive measures if it does not happen “soon” if the promise to end the war is not made.
On Monday Monday, Hungarian Foreign Minister Sazjjjartó agreed to follow the framework according to three officials. Sanctions include freezing Russian assets worth 190bn in the EU, which are to be lifted every six months.
Calla Kalinos, a diplomat from the European Union, called Calla Alabess: EU Foreign Ministers “EU Foreign Ministers” EU Foreign Ministers “Russia’s Calla Kalist” This “Moscow will continue to finance the war with its money. Russia will have to pay for the damage they cause. “
Last week, Russian gas transportation continued to be connected with the maintenance of the last remaining pipelines that carry Russian oil and gas to Europe and the last remaining pipelines to sell to Ukraine Dros Dangs.
The gas transportation between Ukraine and Russian state-owned gas was blocked between January 1, during the period of Hungary and Slovakia, two trustee countries with the most exposed countries to Russian importers and groups, the most Russia-friendly governments in the European Union.
On Monday, the European Commission of the European Commission, Ukraine, through the gas ticking system in the process of Kisren and Slovenia, and also “request confirmations regarding the maintenance of the EU transmission transmitters to be submitted to Ukraine.
SZijjjartrt said that ‘TARIGE’s received the requested guarantee regarding the energy security of our country.’