A man who was transferred after the five-soul woman was a witch.

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The woman in 2023 were killed because of the turning in Nigeria Kano.

The guilty men ‘jaird was blowing and destroying her fields and abandoned him on Delra Abukacar.

MS Abcako family to authorities and suspended suspects quickly in northern Nigeria.

The issue was focused on the country and inspire people in rural areas that they have followed the cruelty.

People who have undisised people believe that people are responsible for the family member, disease, or bad death.

He said the organization, the Reference, says the American Society Nabibban.

The prosecutor Abbhai Abba, Abbai Abbai, Himself hopes to do wrong accusations and then take things to their own hands.

The Court was a sick missionary knife, the knife knife with one of his own wife.

Jahahai then made a group arranged for the wine that led her killing.

There were similar issues, but “Mr. Sorodi,” the Mr. Sorodky, “Mr. Sorodky,” Mr. Sorodky has gone out for BBC for BBC.

The victim of the victim, Moses, his mother was the worst day of his life, and I was glad when justice was present.

“I am happy that I will experience similar treatment for my mother,” he said.

The Protector Marrof Yaskasa have planned to attract the decision.

In Nigeria, the death penalty in Nigeria soon spend time in prison in prison.