Vice President Sarah Divist is identified from the Philippines

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Vice President Sarah Digen Filipino Sarah, Filipino, Sarapse Sarah, are raising political stances in the Asian Essential Americans in Asia.

Mr. Dodes Milecos Marcos, his wife and representatives of the House of Marcos, and the Council of the House and the Council of his wife, the complainant complaint complain of complaints.

Three years ago Mile Distin and Mr. Marcons, both popular political systems are together for the forces who run together in national elections. They have entered the nationality of the nationality and 2022 in the lands of the earth’s victory victory. But partnership as a comfortable marriage and no longer after that.

Mrs. Denenisacags Corruption issues of Corruption, visual view of the study political motivated, flip-flipinous. Mr. Marcos participated in risk-based processes to destroy her political work.

“This political science department is pulling into political crisis in the University of the Philippines.”

“According to the United States, she has no critical functions here as a vice president,” he said. “So why? The political motivation here is to stop the event of the President of Saira Divine.”

Mr. Divis Mr. Marcos, whose President had completed 2028, when President had completed 2028, President was going to go.

Bridges and marcons are divided into related relationships with the US and China. After the former President of Rodri Ridri Ridri Ridri Ridri Rodri DCC, Mr. Marcos drives the dancer of Dancer.

The Philippines and supporters are now hungry, the increasing mud in the Philippines and supporters. Paolo Divine, Congressmanman and the Torian Deccursor “very small brother,” and patriotic efforts and frustrated efforts to “aspirate his sister.”

“If Marcos Administration cannot remove this display encouragement, this result is stressful.” Mark my words: This is not stopped in their malicious energy use of energy. “

Wednesday afternoon, between 306 members of the 306 members of the 306 members of the 306 members for MS. Douudence confirmed. The applause arranged in the release hallway after the official advertisement of results.

In June, the meeting will be credited to Congress again in June. For two third voices, he is a guilt for work, and analysts seem to be built by the PU-Dudires officials, say that he will judge her.

If there is still guilty, Mrs. Dunners will be removed from office and is considered to be undertaken any public post. She can also face crime and civilians in the courtroom.

Many public members are being in with the market and columns and believe that the major problems of the political drama, such as poverty and unemployment and unemployment, divide the leaders. Mr. Mr. Marcos and Mithrings Davy is highly added to the late months.