Special: India pays for $ 155 million tax paying taxes on
In Niki Owner, Country and Admin Shash
New Delhi – India has been forbidden by India’s tax establishing the tax collection of $ 155 million with the labbing and two sources with the Great and two sources.
The 5% of 4 million units from 6 million units will be relieved from Mondabina and Maritoi Suzuki.
Foreign companies in India are facing front rights from high taxes and long-term tests.
For example, the Tale Sala is the rear of the rear of the rear of $ 1.4 billion and the rear of $ 1.4 billion and the rear of $ 1.4 billion and the rear of $ 1.4 billion.
Tax officers issued taxes of Taia Indian unit of taxes in 13.5 billion quarters.
The violation showed an advertisement of the implementation of the import of the importance of the implementation of the luxury of the luxury of povery.
According to the Kym India, the Kym Indian said that it was supported by the general evidence and document to ensure that they are still reviewing the authorities.
Kia India is committed to celebrating with all laws and added to “permanently cooperatively collaborate.”
The Ministry of India Finance and Customs Authorities did not respond to Keckens.
In the 432 page of the government in the 432 page of the government in the 432 page Government is in the allocation of the “car model” in the villages, ” .
In the southern Kenyn city, “(” They can’t be “) in Customs,” the strategy that cannot come. “
About 30% of that springs from the paswagz and send a CKD form of CKD in Dictionary Occurred in. They are eligible for 10% to 15% tax size.
The KIA website during the examination The CARNEve saver shows CARNEve mode in CarneveS mode in CarneveS mode, 2020 to 2022.