El Salvador offers the criminals and refugees

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Roiters Marco Rubio from El Salvador's President Nibadi LakeRoiters

Marco Rubio with the president of the President of the President of El Salvadour

El Salvador, including US citizenship, presented “dangerous criminals”, including the American citizenship.

After President Nybib, after the central American visit, Robio was “very grateful,” “

Criminals and the constitutional EGvador of Constitutional writers and the US in the United States, El Salvador receives a conflict refugees.

Rubio’s capacity of Rubio was killed when the crime of the criminal was killed, Rubio’s instructions for the matter.

Rubio for reporters, “

We are very grateful.

Rubio is on the tour of the first foreign foreign vision and is as a US high diplomat in the region, looking for prioritive priorities in the region. Panama request that ‘immediate changes’ To the matter of Chinese “influence and control” on Panama’s canal.

The focus is on Latin America in the Latin American Group.

Once returning to White House, President Donald Trump illegal immigrants are focusing on accelerating removal With “expulsion” with.

In the recipient activities, more active obligations are sent to strengthen the American-Mexico border, and the president refugee and asylum seekers have wanted to stop refugee and asylum seekers on the operating order.

Gal is suggested for reporters, and the prisons are the agreement that went after the 2019 agreement by accepting the refugees.

And in the post of the post, “he said that” a part of the jail “section of the year.

“We are willing to commit criminals, including criminals, including criminals, including our charges, including criminals, including us.

The former Mayor, San Salvador’s former Mayor was the first time in 2019 to find adult violence and corruption with El Salvador and a better relationship with the United States.

After the criminal of the world to one of the crime and barely, the criminal capital of the world of the world’s brave and the cases of the crime.

The government has been arrested for participation in the track activity during his first job.

75,000 people have been arrested on sudden measures of emergencies extended by emergencies extended frequently, extended by emergencies extended, extended, extended, extended accidentally extended accident groups.

Amnesty International is “replaced by the Gaag Violent Violent Violent” in the country.