‘I Hate His Name’: Linname’s conflicts with the mad songs like landscape in the shark tank

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Abu Agreal Julieni and Shriad Dave went down in the shark tank stage as you like you. In India, women’s different types of body types are designed to produce better representations of fashion, only their design. However, at least 2% of equity to 2% of equity began to be in a position of integrity, not the purpose of purpose, language, and his name itself.

Tried with the Hope you’re expelled as your hope: Customers find a supported approach that may be considered in simple questions and only available platforms. The concept returned to the sharks – Ammon Giphat Meta, Hitan, and Porush Buanar – Welcome Porush Buan and Business Problem – Porush Buan and Business. But appreciation is not a simple deal of deal.

The wine genus revealed that she was raising financial design and materials. However, she did not think about feedback. “I hate brand names and logo and logo, she called women to filter as” cheap mud “and a spreading luxury product.

Anuupim asked the conversation by asking the language used by the language used for assignment. Using a lot of shadow, oval, heart, heart, heart shape, are they still thinking of women? If you want to be anti-discrimination, you must use a different language.

All sharks do not have the same attitude despite these critics. Amman Gifts and Anhammam helps the brand setting by arguing when arguing when you argue the names and logots. They admire the product of the brand, and believed that it was fixed by the target audience.

If you are arranged, the Hymaye was 3% equity to 3% equitly, but Rs 1 CRere “Cappidge Rs 1 Crims.

Junny and Dave stopped. The unwillingly discount, who refused to continue the nearest name, have rented an agreement. When they stay in pride, the name “lifestyle” is all the name. The name is everything. Sugar, the name is everything. The founders are very strong. ”

But the doing are despair. We’ve got too positive responses. We received a lot of data before his name reached this name. We realize that there are people who can feel the same way from Nephhena, but the brain arrived. They have faith in most positive responses and their homestream future.