Car bombs in Syria kills 15 farm workers

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A car bomb on Monday Monday, the country’s civiller protective force, the country’s civiller protective force as the civil protection of the country’s civil protection allows the civilian defense of the country.

There is no review of the suggestion claims in Manning town in Manning to 20 miles. Manner is one uppercase in the United States and another. One of the attacks on Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday is one of the al-toy failure in December.

They were supported by the United States, and Turitans from Curdys, Syria Civil Prevention Patient-supported fighters captured the city found in December.

When the agricultural workers spread in the city of the city, in the northern miles north of the northern north Miles, white and white hello hectares in one statement.

Most of the dead were women. At least 15 others were wounded, and the fire of death was expected of his power.

After that, a parallel of parallel was demonstrated and integrated car restaurants, and the truck was disabled with criminal.

The continuous jaws thirst for Syrian New General President, Ahmed Alpha, President, Ahmed Alpha, President, Ahmed Alpha.

Mr. Al-Evervasted Mr. Al-Like-Way, Mr. Al-Liked, they promised to create a transition government. For this, the new authorities said that the country’s country of the country’s country of the country has announced that it is in combination of all armed seats in a combination of the country.

Although there are many northeast East Eastern Syria, they will be able to give up the doctrines of the Cross – Eventually, it eventually applies this commission.

They say that the third slave complex web web in one single umbrellas are one of the most powerful influences that the new government face.