“Apple Druck Raho

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The legend is over a decades of the last world of India Creek Sachuulat’s last world. The In 2013 After 2013, after the West Crique In 2013, he traveled from the international cricket after Mumbai played.

Recent, Tanuulkrar “Always overwhelms the last international matches that live in the Maptate, M. Dehoty decided to do something special in the pastoral match.

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Sakin Tigulucker remembers his parcel match

Sakin Toluukin, Sachuuukin, with the study of Natima Awards Awards, was held with the BCCI CK lifestyle. The prize from the UCC DCC Osidman and received the BCCI writer of BCCI writer JHC.

After receiving the prize, Teharar recalls lovers. The group was lucky as lucky as they prepared to do something for the tradition of the tradition.

I’m a dude about those loves, those times are all planned. It’s written above. Honestly, I find it hard to believe that all these things happened in my life, “Tedlidebar”.

I consider myself very lucky, and the whole group honors something to me and honors the ninth wickens, and we have it.


The Sakin Tigercar remember the group to distance the words of the disease to turn away from the group to turn from the group to turn from the group. Tanulecar was the whole group how he provided honor protection and he felt that he was a special moment.

“Maa Duhni ‘Pargi APP and then the group gave me honor and gave me a ceremony. It’s never gone as soon as the Ki iska.

The former class also gave some specific advice and specific counsel for the day and the present generation and asked them to cherish the game. He has advised the players to focus on anything and focus on them.

“We all do not sit in this section. The night bear and a ball.

“I don’t have to give counsel and focus, but all of you are the location of your current circumstances.

Amazing records that raised Sakinananan

The Sachin Tarugular Location of 2006 Diagnostics Completed 463 odis and 1 T20i. Currently, the highest general race and scenery in the international cricket and in the ODIS.

Tenuulkar is closed over 18000 runs in 18000 runers and close to 16000 runs in exams. 100 percent hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of the international cycket and the only cricket.