The Arabia does not accept the philosophy of Egypt to Egypt to Egypt

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Mighty Arab nations have not accepted President Trump Terms of President Trump to Change the Funday Trump Gaza and Jordan.

Egypt, the Jordan Saudi Armagedy, Katarians and the Phi · lis ማውያን tines in the West West Bank of the Phi · lis መንግ Wankship and the philosopher west bank.

Mr. Trump The leaders of the Jordan leaders and Egyptian leaders now mean that the leadership of Jordan and Egypt is now “all that is everything.”

Mr Trump, Mr. Trump, at the last Saturday. This is a disaster. “”

“The Tridges now mean” ” Wide destruction The 15-year war of Israel in Israel Now stopped in the covered slack.

According to Mr. Trump, the President of the President of the President of the President, the President of the President Abel Li-Sisi. “I” holds people like Egypt and I want the Jordan to take people, “he said.

This week, Egypt, Haman, and Jordan and many European countries He did not receive East Trump suggestions provided.

The Arabian Arabian sentence of Egypt, the foam of the Jordanian bubbles, and the Arab League that serves as a Arabian officials, and Arab League that serves as Arab League – Gatt.

The Philosover of Egypt
Natarial Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Muhammadman Bin Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah Abduluhamm Abdramman Ali, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday

Khall elfiqi / A

The Arabian professional plans are “expansion of the stability of the region, expanding the conflict and risk of waiting.”

According to the two-east solution, “accurate and complete peace” in the two-east solution, “accurate and complete peace” in the middle of the east of the east.

The Phi · lis ማውያን tines called the “community-planning community” planning Gaza to ensure that the Phi · lis መማውያንች hanging their land.

After Israel and Jordan with Paleminine people, he never allowed Israel to return to Gaza. In addition, immigrants, in the Egyptian and Jordan, demonstrate stabilizing on their side economy and their government.

Jordan is already a home of about 2 million Phi · lis ጤጤ tines. Egypt warns many of the Phi · lis ማውያን tines of the Phi · lis ማውያንጤ tuition of the Phi · lis ማውያን tines.

They were the first to make peace with them of both countries, but in 1967, the Palestine states of Israel coped with the Phi · lis ማዊማዊ መንግሥጤምቶች In 1967, the Bilead of Israel cherished the Phi · lis ማዊ ማዊ መንግሥ መንግሥቶች During 1967, the Muslim Stands of Israel cherish the Phi · lis ማዊ ማዊ መንግሥቶች in 1967 Muslim states cherish the Philistine governments.