What do you need to apply in the Virr Kohli?
The Gro Coralier fan is famous in the world. It is not easy in the military Creek. Fans in the world is currently and socially media icon.
Fans around the world want to find a star like a star like a tree. When there is a match between Delhi and train roads, the viewer was gathered to play him.
In the day 3, the 3 of the bush was declined in the fields. The thing that occurred before the local 18th class of the area.
No. Security staff quickly ran from civil staff to catch the devices and to take it from the ground. Since many, it was a great security tooth. Playgrounds are entered into the area of playing.
Watch: Viro Khushley when it looks like players, police and land worker
What does the application to the value of the value of the value?
After the match ended, Delhi Saddar Shushan Sharu and all three abductions were repeatedly as they were asked to hide safely. Also, he made it clear that they were not left behind the victims without doing anything.
“This is a virtual pumpkin, but at the same time running in the ground, but at the same time he was not right. Shinom Reporter said.
“These three men came to beat.” So, the three men were not taken away. “
Not a good match for Viro Khlyl
Koah did not have a good time with his wife and the railroadfid Paracethan was expelled from 15 balls in 15 balls in 15 balls. Kohi was just ahead of the last lower land, but immediately revoked from the next ball immediately.
When the system of his system was to see the favorite star to watch the game, when you came to appreciate the fans with shock. Fans from different parts of the country began to collect outside of Ruki jetley Stadium.
While Kelcan was very cheap, Delhi communicate relations and the 19-year-old was about to overcome a large margin. It was a supervisor in the house team in the home group at home.
Virar Kohie First Standing Duradet Complay in 12 years
Will Giro Khillie plays a DE JI wat play after 12 years of gap. The In 2012 The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The
KKHH than BCCI from HIV Cricket decided to play with the BCCI from BCCI to make themselves look for themselves. በሦስተኛው ጋቫሻካር ወሮጽ 20.45 ውስጥ በአማካይ 23.75 በአምስት ሙከራዎች ውስጥ ከ በአምስት መቶ ማጠናቀቂያ ውስጥ ካሳለፈ ወፍ ጋር በመነጨ ሁኔታ ውስጥ ነበር.