Twitter feedback: Governing Australians to ask and ask for empathy in 1st attempts

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1st attempt of Bachelor-Moralistrace as if Galik International Stadium He brought wonderful things about Australian to give the most superiority of the game Sri Lanka. SRRI Lanka is thrown into 247 runners in history Books history in history books Any 242 runs.

Depression Saga continued to Li

At the end of 136/5, rain gods are at the end of 136/5 at the end of 136/5 at the end of 136/5 at the end of 136/5. However, Sri Lankar feared – from the budget. Srian Cananan bears did not respond to a spin Matthew Kuhnemn And Nathan Leon In the 1st located, it was firmly satisfied about 5 and 3 wiki in the promises of Syri Lanka.

The Srian Lankan Innings Crashed In the VERY FIRST SESSION OF THE DAYS Play AT MEAGRE SCore of 165 Runs. Whether you wait for equality of a stator’s lead and rain day after day Australia Considering the opportunity, 52.2 pairs of 52.2 have relieved the series of 52.2 to develop the SRR Cannan Innenes.

When you get tired of the scoreboard, the second generation of the start of the start of the origin is not different from the previous. He tried to deal with the mediator of the Sri Lanka but an unfounded refers to his refers to the reference to it. Historical Jeffrey Vikanay They added to the end 53-rockck ball to delay the SRR Lanka.

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Australia has rotated a web to push the Lanka Lanka

The Australian side was fully used for routine tracks in the spine, and hit him at the right time to establish general superiority through your home. After the first 9 wikye Haul in the kchein, one 4 wikyer of the stomach was one 4 wikye’s cripple in the Cashy. Waymanman took 4 wikyrs in the second humanists to apply more of more pressure in Sri Lanka.

TUDD MUTOPY And Micket Starc He played an important role in preventing simple runs in both of the metals. Star 2 corrects 8 runs in 13 runs and gave 2 wiki and gave them 14 runers in 5th grade Osa FernandoWICKET OF ANY 2nd Any. Marf Wikkitic poll DRUth Karunaraane In their 2nd Any of them gave 57 runs in 117. Australia now affirms Australia now 1-0 leader in Australia’s 2-match test series. The final test of a series will be played from February 6.

Behold how Twitter has taken

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