‘Approximately, the DESCRAM>: STHARAMMAN As stharamanmode, as SthonaanMode, for 1.7 ROro farmers
Minister of Finance Minister Narrala Statarar Union Budget 2025-26 Responding to the fallen, heoysy said “Start special ideas. AGRI is first.
Reconnecting MMBAI Violent Toys in terms of MMBAI Violent dolls in terms of view of the contrast. Agricultural Improvement The purpose of the purpose of the agricultural community to apply the productivity and development of irrigation infrastructure and enhance irrigation infrastructure. The name of the landbook is released after the purpose of the government is the clear measure of the farmer support.
The Tino comment didn’t stop here. Paying attention to the budget, “Ostara Krara Dunnir Barrata, the prosecutor of the government.” It’s better than buying like crazy rice and wheat please, and for food procurement.
የማርሻና ቦርድ በሚገኝ ቀለል ያለ ደም ውስጥ “ቢኖይ” ቢኖይ “ቢኖይ” ቢኖይ “ቢኖና” ቢኖን “ቢኖይ እንደተገለጸው! እወደዋለሁ። “የክልሉን ግብርና ምርቶች ለማስተዋወቅ መንግስት እንዲወስደ የሚያደርጓቸው ይህንንም የበለጠ ጥቀስ.
In the budget, ten broadcasts that focus on the poor, young people, farmers and women. The next five years, the greatest rapidly of all major economic growth, “said:” To the development of academic growth.
SITHAHERMAN also is also in KBC “When crazy loan, I still have this fully support this completely,” he said.