Changes in XI: India and two in the 4th T20I

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Critical Fourth T 820 between India and EnglandThey have been “toys for both teams’ for both groups. The match is currently underway with the Marashi Crycket Association in the Maharahra Cricket, which is now five-year-matching India.

Changes in XI

England two changes for two changes in

SAQIB Mahomod Mark replaces the wood and Jacob comes in Jamie Smith.

Captain But ifIf you won the first shop and still enjoying a bowl for the first time, you still find improvement.

We are first bread first this evening. It is already a large atmosphere, and a series is well-structured, “ After the pipe is up.

“We are so happy in this operation, but there are places for improvement, but we are happy to have the winner” He added.

India works three changes in the opposite:

Rukiu Sins, Shivay Dubio and Ardadpipe, are included in the XI.

Daruv Yurville, Muhammad and Washington, and Washington, and Washington, and Washington Siami and Washington Siamina and Washington Siamina and Washington Somi and Washington.

Only 141 screams responded to England’s 231 in the previous match on the previous match.

Also Read – In In Conn ENG 2025 – For 4th T20i, Maharahahrtra Crique and Records

Indian jump Suskar, Yappi It shows that emphasizes the importance of the basic factors to stay strictly stuck and relax the importance of crick production for entertainment.

“It’s a brand cricket brand here. Stick to that game in RAJKOT. There is after Sycar’s castle is lost.

In ENGEN ENG, 4th T20i: Play of both teams

India: Sancheh Samson (WK), Abshash Shame, Sychist Panama, Shinkap Pandy, Rashareed Barsh, Pared Bishni

England: The Tele’s Sky (WK), Ben’s Dolkuit, José Crystal (c), Joanney Orcty, Joan

Also read: First of all level Cricket F.